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Your girlfriend Claire has been with you for a year now and today was the big one; the first year anniversary. The butterflies in your stomach weren't the only thing making you anxious today. Work was stressful as usual and you were winding down as the clock ticked closer to the end of the day, where presumably Claire was waiting with some sort of surprise. You figured you’d stop by and grab a nice dessert and her medicine she asked for yesterday. She didn’t say she was sick, but insisted, so naturally you obliged her request and grabbed it on the way back, eager to see what it was all about. You arrive at home, a small apartment with a bay-side view, it was small, but warm and cozy. Your keys rattled between your fingers as you open the door, holding a box of fudge inside a bag in your other hand, as the door opens, you see the love of your life, her golden brown hair was neatly combed and past her shoulders, she was practically glowing in the bright light as she moved towards you bursting with excitable energy. “Hi honey!” she called out, rushing up to greet you.

Her olive green eyes were wide and full of anticipation as she embraced you, holding you close, kissing you on the lips. You feel her soft perky lips snap onto and off yours, as you struggle to hold the box of fudges you bought, having to lean down to meet her lips over half a foot down, below your height. “Let me help you with that.” Her eyes glistened as her lips left yours, “Thanks honey." You see her blush and smile, looking excited, she grabs the bag with her medicine and the fudge as you make your way inside. You quickly toss your shoes off and watch as Claire’s petite body races over to the oak table, you can help but watch her tiny butt bounce slightly as she stopped to start rummaging through the bag. You approach her, after taking off your coat, looking at her loose fitting grey yoga pants from behind as you approached you saw her thin legs with long pink socks, she was wearing the same pink socks you got her last Christmas, when you first met. She wasn’t really dressed for the occasion, but that was her style, she was wearing a loose white tank-top, and a black bra, visible underneath it. She was average sized for a woman her age, but your tall height always made her feel small and light, you peeked at her two small bumps on her chest, her small B cup breasts were perky and cute, making a slight curve in her tank top.

“I missed you.” you reach over kissing her on the neck as she shudders slightly, you point your finger towards the white bottle in the bag. “You remembered...I love you.” her eyes glean towards you as she kisses you passionately, but just for a moment before her lips quickly snap off of yours, bringing her attention back to the unmarked bottle. You see her grab the bottle and raise it close to her light green eyes, inspecting it thoroughly, it rattled in her hands, her eyes grew wider in anticipation. You slip your hands around her skinny waist, as she sighs softly letting herself go in your arms, feeling her light body against your own.  “Thanks for getting it.” - “So...what is that stuff anyways?” you pry, hoping it’s all right to question. Claire blushed, looking down, “Well...I wanted this year, since it's our first anniversary, to be a big one...and it’s kind of embarrassing...but...” she hesitated turning red as her eyes wandered, “It’s OK…you can tell me anything.” you softly speak up, trying to make her feel better, holding her tighter and caressing her long golden brown hair gently. “I know...I should tell you, it’s just...not exactly something I’m proud of.” - “It can’t be that bad Claire.” - “Oh...It’s nothing like that...you know how I’ve always been on the...smaller side?” she motioned towards her tank top, she tried her best to stand on her toes and bounce her breasts, trying to make them jiggle, they moved slightly, but she didn’t have breasts of that size, they only moved slightly. “Well...I think you’re beautiful no matter what.” - “Aww...honey…” Claire blushed again, holding the bottle, it was unmarked, and just a clear white plastic bottle with a white cap.

“I...was looking online, for ways to make my breasts...bigger.” - “Bigger?” - “Yeah...” you noticed her lips visibly pout. “I mean, it’s totally normal to want more. Color me interested…what do they do exactly?” Her face changed into a powerful loving blush as those words left your mouth. “I’m so glad you’re into it! OK...so...these pills are supposed to make me at least a cup size bigger...the ad said a cup size bigger every week, which would be...a miracle to say to least...Did it come with any instructions?” - “No, I didn’t see anything else in there.” - “Hmm.” There was a slight pause in the conversation as Claire looked at you expectantly with her olive eyes. You respond boldly, “Take one.” - “Yeah? I bet you’d like me with big tits...I guess anything is an improvement over my flat board of a chest.” Claire blushed harder as she spun around looking towards you, you met her eyes, as you continued gazing down at her, seven inches shorter than you, at 5’3, the top of her head lined up against your chin, as she looked up at you and then back down at the bottle. “I mean...bigger is always better...is that what they always say?” - “I really wonder if they actually work. Let me see...what they look like first." She giggled and twisted the bottle open, she shook out some of the pills, they were red tablets, small and circular with a strange white dot in the middle of each one. “Huh...they’re so small.” - “Maybe you’re supposed to take more than one? I don’t know...I’m starting to have second thoughts about this without any guidelines on dosages.” You looked down at the pills as she looked up back at you expectantly as the two of you stood there in silence for a moment.

She shrugged and smiled, “I’m going to take one for now...Happy Anniversary!” she gulped down one pill and hugged you, placing the bottle back down behind her.  You start realizing she was going to take it whether or not you approved of it. She approached you, placing her finger on your lips and then began to kiss you passionately. Her tongue danced with yours for a short while as she blushed, pushing herself on to you. She spoke softly between pecks, “You think it will work?” - “I dunno…” - “How long do you think it will take?” - “Dunno…” - “I can’t wait...mmph.” she kissed you again and then stopped abruptly.  The two of you traded a few more kisses until she got bored and smiled. "So have you ever...thought of me with bigger boobs?" You shrug and reluctantly reply, "Yeah...everyone does though...don't they?" She giggled and blushed again, "Not everyone...I bet I’m going to be hot with big tits..." - "You're already hot Claire." You reaffirm her as she pouts and turns around acting strange. She turned around and grabbed the bottle again as you leered over her shoulder trying to see what she was doing, “Claire?” - “I’m just looking...” - “You just took one, just give it a second.” - “The ad I read online about it said instant results, maybe I’m like too underdeveloped and need to take some more?” she turned towards you holding the bottle between her fingers expectantly, “I mean...more can’t hurt right?” you smile and reassure her. “Right! That’s what I was thinking. OK I’ll take another one.” Claire popped the bottle open again and grabbed a glass of water, racing past you towards the kitchen sink. You sit down leaning back looking at the dessert tray of fudge, untouched on the table as you hear the bottle rattle.

Your eyes widen as you watch her by the sink pour out a pile of pills in her hand. You try and count how many she pours out, but she quickly shoves them all into her mouth at once, sucking them down gulp after gulp of the water, trying not to choke. “Mmph! *gulp gulp gulp*” She finishes the entire glass of water and places it on the counter. “Claire, you OK?” You get up quickly getting next to her as she turns and smiles looking towards you. “I’m fine, now that you’re here, handsome.” she said in a syrupy tone as her hands wrapped around your midsection, acting like nothing happened. You peer over her, trying to avoid her cooing and blushing face, looking at the countertop, you notice the bottle of pills open and try to see inside, when you feel a tighter grip around your midsection. She looks up and nudges you away from the kitchen countertop, you let her push you around playfully, temporarily giving up your snooping. She moves you towards the table in the room, “Hey, how many did you just take?” - “Just a couple…like 5...or 6.” she giggled, turning red. “I don’t notice anything different yet...I do... feel kinda weird though.” she said slowly moving her arms from around your body onto her own.

You watched her twitch and squirm as her eyes began to get heavy, her face began to look more seductive as her tongue slowly moved closer to her lips. “Claire...are you ok?” - “Uh-huh...mmgh…” she softly nods, licking her lips slowly and biting them as you reach out towards her and touch her shoulders, she responds with a powerful twitch and a soft moan, she starts to breathe heavier and faster. “Awhn! Oh...sorry…I just feel...really sensitive...I’m tingling all over...it feels kinda...good...” Her body shudders again as you notice her breasts growing slightly, her flat board of a chest starts to rise and bud into small apple sized boobs as her nipples start to get hard. “I need you…right now...mmph!” She pounces on you, as your butt hits the wooden tabletop, you feel her small body push against yours, slowly humping your leg as her body seems to be overcome by the side effects of her huge unknown dosage. You grabbed her ass instinctively as she roared in pleasure, it felt a bit more plump, which is strange, because before her ass was always quite cute and petite, your hands felt a significant roundness and bounciness now. “Oh...it feels so good…” she moaned louder this time as you moved your vision upwards now watching her chest start expanding again. Her breasts grew again bigger and bigger expanding into bigger orange sized breasts. Her bra started straining under her tank top that you noticed was now riding up a bit showing off skin between her belly and crotch. Her arms were wrapped around your shoulders as her breasts bounced with every hump she continued to gyrate her wet pussy on your thigh.

Claire burst out with a girlish scream as she noticed her breasts growing bigger, now the size of two large grapefruits, her two large nipples were poking the outside of her bra, overflowing with breast meat. “Oh my god! I have boobs! It worked!” - “They’re getting so much bigger. They look so good on you.” you cheer her on, as she reaches down to her groin, moving her body off of your leg as you both notice a wet spot, leaving a thin trail of cum from her wet panties. “You look excited.” - “I’m really fucking horny…oh god. I feel so tingly.” she says quickly grabbing your hands and shoving them against her wet pussy, as she begins to kiss you passionately you feel her heat on your body. You keep your hands over her wet stain on her yoga pants, feeling the lips of her pussy under the two moist layers of her clothing as you move your thumb towards her clit. She screams as you watch her yoga pants get soaked, she holds you even tighter as you watch her lips swell larger, puffing up into two bouncy pillows as she embraces you after her orgasm. “Oh...god...oh fuck...mmm…take off my...top...I want to see them...mmgh…”

You lift her top and pull it off quickly, tossing it on the table, returning to your foreplay, feeling her mouth and yours begin to connect more passionately as you undress her, looking down at her cleavage against her now small B cup bra as she started to moan again, moving her body up and down, watching them bounce. “I thought you just…” you whispered in her ear, as she shuddered again, “I don’t know...oh...I’m still horny...awhn!” You feel her body start to get heavier as her ass grows bigger before your eyes, it bubbles outwards, filling up her yoga pants a bit more as they slide upwards past her ankles towards her shins, expanding into an apple-bottom booty with quite a jiggle. She grabs her two breasts and mashes them against her chest, “Oh my god!  They’re so big!” - “You have to be at least a C...maybe a D cup.” - “I hope I get even bigger...it feels so good…” - “Bigger? You’re going to have back pains honey…” - “I don’t care! I want to have big titties…big...and juicy...mmm...aaah....”

She moves you again with a bit more force now as she starts to quiver, closing in on a second climax, when you suddenly decide to move up her body and grab her breasts and start fondling her roughly. “Oh god...it’s happening again...I feel it...nngh!” she screams as her breasts grow bigger in your hand, filling outwards growing into the larger end of her big C cups rapidly. “Wow...those are beautiful.” you say, as Claire erupts with an orgasm, your left two fingers feel the vibration of her shaking on your fingertips now lodged between her clit and your thigh. Her body shakes and quivers in your arms as you feel her get heavier again, this time you really feel her weight on your legs and your shoulders, feeling her body getting bigger, growing even larger.

“Oh...yes...I’m gonna cum...nngh!” Her body bulges outwards, growing larger, and expanding bigger, suddenly her thighs and legs begin packing on more curves and stretching longer. She screams as she climaxes abruptly, her curvy bottom half was still shaking, still trapping your fingers on her clit, as you start to lose your grip, moving your fingers away from her crotch as she squeals in pleasure, you retrieve your hand looking at it soaking wet with her cum. She jostled for another moment as you both looked at her stained grey yoga pants. You softly speak out to her, “You just...came...again” - “Yeah...awhn...I love you...mmm...” She kisses you passionately as you feel her lips against yours, you can’t help, but wonder if they felt even bigger and more bouncy. They were definitely softer and had more of a bounce as they left your lips, her face looked softer and her lips looked bigger. You see her kiss you one last time and then straighten herself out, standing up against you, you notice something strange as she smiles back at you, still a bit weary eyed. You could swear her head was higher up, like she had grown taller, looking at the top of her head lining up to your eye level, meaning she must have grown at least a couple inches taller. “I need to see a mirror. I have to see how much bigger these are...mmm...god...they’re so sensitive.” She squeezed them for a moment, distracted by her new breasts, noticing her waist was a bit wider and her ass was becoming quite luscious and round. Her body quivered and you watched her jiggle slightly, as she stepped on her tippy toes and then back down readjusting herself, you noticed again her head was even higher up than before confirming your suspicions, “Hey wait a sec...Claire.” - “Yes...honey?” she said sweetly looking at you, as you lowered your eyes down her body again, now as she continued growing curvier and becoming more mature looking. Her tank top now pulled up past her belly button and her yoga pants tightly wrapped around her legs, starting to strain against her growing hips and thighs, you also noticed her pants now were up above her ankles.

You forgot what you were going to say, getting lost in her new curvaceous physique. “Oh...I love it when you look at me like that…do you like my new body...'' she blushed, turning around towards the kitchen counter, picking up the bottle again and walking past you towards the hallway. You snap out of it, hearing the rattle of the bottle in her hands, you raise an eyebrow as she saunters by you, “And...where do you think you’re going with that…?” - “Oh I’m just going to put it with the rest of the meds.” She smiles looking eager to pass by, you examine her again shortly, she was definitely taller, by a couple inches now, as you noticed your neck was no longer straining looking at her, the real problem now was having trouble not staring at her ample cleavage every time you wanted to talk to her. “I thought the medicine was only supposed to make your boobs bigger...you look taller...and much more...filled out.” You softly speak to her, moving her hair aside as she blushes hard. “I don’t know...but I kinda like it...and...I wouldn’t mind...growing a bit more…I love the way it feels..I just want to keep getting taller...and bigger...” Your throat started to get dry as you just softly explained, "I'm just worried you might take too much and might be experiencing some strange side effects from the medicine." - "Aww...Are you scared I might grow into some kind of giant? I honestly don't even think I grew that much...maybe an inch or two...I have to go measure myself to make sure...please don't worry sweetie…" She moves in on you slowly and kisses you softly and whispers, “I’ll be right back handsome.” You start to get horny and quickly you clear your throat, “I’ll start cleaning up so we can have dinner.” She kisses you again and touches your cheek, then turns and takes the pills with her down the hallway. You grab your phone as she passes by, you quickly get distracted as you hear her sing out cheerfully strutting down the hallway. Looking up from your phone, you notice her booty bounce and move side to side, like never before as her wider hips swayed towards the bathroom. Before opening the door she looked back, biting her lip and staring directly at you seductively, you could tell she was begging for you to go with her, but you hesitated, watching her pant for a moment there, like an animal in heat before she turned to the door. She opened it and flicked on the light, slowly passing into the light from the shadows in the hallway. The door slowly closed as she giggled softly, trying to contain her excitement of putting away the mysterious breast growth pills she bought online.

You had trouble containing yourself as you bounded past the corner of the room, out of sight, moving back towards the kitchen. You bite your finger, balling up your hands into a fist, trying to contain the levels of extreme horniness flowing through you. Your mind races, “Is she really growing taller? Her tits are already more than a handful...how much bigger are they going to get? How much taller is she going to grow?” You get a hold of yourself and begin to move towards the small table, moving away different things and putting away the sweets for later, you move towards the cupboard and grab two plates, and the rest of whatever you may need for the table. As you begin to place down the silverware, you hear a familiar rattle of a certain bottle, followed by running water. You pay no mind to it, maybe she needed an aspirin, who were you to interrupt her during her private time in the restroom. You start ordering dinner on your phone, selecting the different items, deciding between what food to order. “Maybe...Sushi...Claire loves Eel rolls...definitely need to get those and maybe some-” You hear it again, another rattle, this time longer, and then again running water, as you suddenly hear some coughing. “Claire?” You don’t get a response, you go and investigate against your better judgement. You walk down the hall, holding your heart in your chest, starting to close in on the door, only guided by a bright light beneath the doorway. You knock on the door lightly, “Hey...Claire, you OK?” - “Yeah! Totally fine.” she coughs again, stopping quickly trying to hold it in. “Claire…” - “Yeah?” - “Did you take more of that medicine?” The doorknob rattled as it opened Claire smiled, suddenly in much less clothing, wearing nothing now, but her bra and panties.

“H-hi honey...mmm….awhn!” She moaned, stuttering trying to control herself from sticking her tongue out and panting, letting out soft moans.. You looked forward to her quickly realizing she was rapidly changing, she was growing bigger again, noticing her head was now blocking your vision more and more, your eye level was now moving lower and lower down her curvy body as she continued growing taller in short growth spurts. The rest of her was growing bigger proportionally as well, seeing it seemed strange at first, because she took up a lot more space which you weren’t used to, she was always a short and petite girl. You recall a little less than an hour ago she was under your chin, but now Claire was growing into a mature bodied woman and still climbing taller in height as you noticed you couldn't see above or past her head anymore, suddenly greeted by her seductive face. She was much bigger now, but still a little shorter than you, although you barely had to even move your head to look into her eyes now. She was growing so fast you got caught in a trance watching her stretch taller and expand bigger, panning your eyes down from her seductive face to her bouncy big lips and curvaceous chest, and luscious physique. She moaned loudly as she pushed her ass outwards leaning on the sink. You watched her ass bubble up and up growing bigger, stretching her black panties to the limit as her juicy booty sucked up her small panties underneath, now looking like a thong against her big bouncy butt. Her yoga pants had now sunk under her ass as it swelled outwards from her body, you heard the tearing of fabric as her pants ripped near her thighs and hips that began to widen and expand as well, her lower half grew massive and thick from her big bubble butt to her wide hips and thick muscular thighs she had finally started to slow down her rate of growth.

Her growth spurts seemingly calm down after that as she turns to the sink and mirror next to her, holding onto it, struggling to adjust to her newer, larger size and weight, struggling to hold onto it, while she fights the urge to finger herself, reaching her fingers near her wet pussy. You clear your thoughts, trying to focus, you try to hold her up, “Clare are you...ok? What’s going on?” She suddenly shudders under your touch moaning feverishly. You feel her immense weight and luscious body as you hold onto her arms, feeling their thickness and muscle actually wider than your arms, you begin to realize your wife may be stronger than you now. You looked her in the eyes as she turned facing you completely red, blushing hard and licking her massive juicy lips, she panted heavily, clutching onto the bathroom sink, you placed your hands gently against hers, she was sweating and burning up. “You’re so hot.” - “Oh god...I know…I shouldn’t have...nngh...” she looked down embarrassed, trying to evade you. “Shouldn’t have what?” - “I’m...sorry…” - “Sorry about what? What’s wrong...?”

You realize what she had done when you notice the empty medicine bottle in the sink, now floating along as the water begins to settle in the drain. “Oh Claire…you didn’t take all of them...did you?” You pan over her developing body, she suddenly starts to moan as she presses her hands onto the counter again, Her eyes begin to glisten for a moment, “I...nngh....awhn!” her legs stretch longer as she starts pushing out her chest towards the mirror. She looked into it, glancing back at you frequently through the mirror’s reflection, looking at her body become more filled out and taller against the height of the mirror every so often.  “I just...couldn't help myself, every time I take them it makes me feel incredible...the more I take the more intense the feeling and the urge to grow...god it makes me so horny...I'm sorry honey...I'm about to get...even bigger, I can feel it...nngh!” She bit her lip as her legs quivered, her hands were shaking as she held onto the counter. You move away from her to give her some space gently making your judgements, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You didn't have to take all of those just to prove it.” - “Aww...I love you honey...oh...oh! Oh...god...it’s coming on much stronger now...awhn!” she blushed harder and moaned uncontrollably, she grew bigger before your eyes. “I’m sorry...honey...I can’t help it now...I took them all...I’m going to...get...bigger...awhn!”

Every long and powerful moan made her body bounce upwards, growing bigger inch by inch as you watched her rise up and up as her face moved further into your vision. She turned to you with her gleaming olive eyes expectantly, as she let go of her hold on the sink counter and  shoved herself on top of you, pushing her overflowing bra into your hands. “Touch me…nngh...please...take it off...it’s so tight.” You begin to play with her large breasts as she moves her hands behind her back to release her bra, but you stop her, seeing her almost your size and height now. You whisper, commanding her seductively, “No...I want to see you bust out it.” She bit her lip as it quivered slightly, she then nodded, her tongue crossed her lips slowly as she rested her arms over your shoulders. You lean down to support her when suddenly her body rises up as she grows even taller again, her eyes begin to level with yours, growing as tall as you, no longer needing your support as her arms reach over yours you start to feel her weight displace onto you for the first time. You looked down at her overflowing cleavage in her small B cup bra choking her growing large C cup breasts, as she shoves your head into them suddenly, you feel her bountiful breasts against your cheeks as you listen to her fast heartbeat for a moment, before she raises your head back up to hers,  “Hey there…sexy.” - “Claire...you’re...absolutely gorgeous...and we’re the same height now...maybe the side effects aren’t so bad after all.” - “Mmm....isn’t it amazing…I’m so glad you changed your mind...mmmm...come here…” She held your arms up placing her lips softly against yours, she smiled as she held you closer, this time without having to strain your eyes or your neck.

You felt her body against yours, for the first time struggling against her pushes, and shoves, realizing she had the same or perhaps even more strength then you now. "I've never been able to wrap my arms entirely around your body...god it feels so good to be big!" - "You look incredible honey." - "How many years have you been this tall…" she blushed harder looking at your body up and down, measuring her body against your own, both her hands pushed onto your body you felt a wave of her weight push you back towards the door as it slammed shut behind you. "Whoa! Claire...take it easy…" - "Sorry I'm still not used to being your size...you're so big...and so am I now…I like being this tall...and strong...I feel so powerful." she giggled placing her hands over your body again as she feverishly began kissing you, her tongue reached into your mouth as your hands grabbed onto her big juicy ass. "Mmmph! How does my big butt feel...honey?" You felt her two massive ass cheeks in your hands up to your forearms and bicep, completely overflowing with ass, it suddenly bulged again as you felt her body gain mass again, she pushed against you harder as you continued to be mashed in between your busty girlfriend and the door. “Oh I feel it again...oh god...my chest...nngh! My body is on fire...mmm...yessssss...moooore...” She cooed, moaning as she let loose a powerful groan as her breasts grew bigger and bigger against your chest. Straining against her old bra they bubble up even larger, growing into supple D cups. Her breasts grow a bit larger still, spilling her breasts over the creases of the fabric barely holding onto her chest as they bubble up into double D’s as her bra begins to look like a thin strip of cloth around both her nipples, tightly wound up against her expanding breasts. She moans loudly, “Mmm...please...let me take it off it hurts…” - “Wow...they’re getting huge…” - “Oh...yeah...bigger...bigger...even bigger!”

“Awhn!” She moans as you see her head rise upwards again, suddenly bouncing upwards growing taller as your eye level falls down to her nose. “Claire...you’re getting bigger…” "Mmm...more..." she moans again as you watch your eye level move downwards again to her lips. She continues to grow taller and bigger, your perspective shrinks down towards her chin, you see her muscular arms now branched over your shoulders, placing some of her weight onto you, you struggle against her strength as you look up at her head far past your own. “Look at you...my little lover...haha...you’re so cute down there.” - “God Claire...you’re so much taller than me now.” - “Yeah...I guess I’m getting pretty big...I can’t help it...but...I want to get...bigger. I’ve never been tall before… I feel amazing.” - “Too late to stop now...I guess...you took the whole damn bottle.” She went silent for a moment as you started to feel bad trying to make her guilty, she was a few inches taller than you now, you were riding the wave of fear and lust as you watched her tower over you more and more as she grew taller. She yelps as a snap pops her bra off, sliding down her long arms, she lifts them off your shoulders, you start feeling much lighter now, as a now much larger Claire, pouts and shuffles her bra off and onto the floor, “Look what you made me do...I broke it.” - “That’s ok...it looks like you’re going to need some new clothes anyways...some very…big clothes.'' - “Yeah...Oh...I’m really tall now…wait a second...you’re like 5’10...that means I’m like...” - “Maybe six feet tall...at least...” - “Holy shit.” - “Yeah…” - “I guess...I shouldn’t have taken 30 of those pills…” - “30!” you exclaim, trying to estimate the magnitude of whatever magic drug that was making her breasts grow into a pornstar’s wet dream, or that it was making her grow taller than most men our age.

“Yeah the whole bottle was meant for a month...but I didn’t want to wait that long...tonight was our anniversary.” - “It’s ok honey. I love you at any size and if you want to get bigger...I'm not going to stop you.” You smiled thinking to yourself, considering your options, you couldn't even dream of stopping her from growing now. She's already outgrown your size and strength, you just hope whatever side effects that have been making her grow into a huge busty amazon weren’t permanent. You had no idea how much bigger she was going to get, but you still felt powerful emotions of love and trust with her, so you without thinking jump on her luscious body, feeling her powerful curves with your smaller hands. You instinctively hug her, not realizing her height advantage now, you feel her huge breasts pressed up against your upper half as she lets loose a soft moan. “I love you honey...mmm...ahwn!” she lets out a loud moan suddenly as her body bulges outwards, you see her breasts grow bigger and bigger, starting to buckle against your body like a tide of bouncy breasts. “Oh my god. Look at them.” she was completely mesmerized by her newly enhanced body, grabbing her bigger breasts that looked close to DDD cups, like a large grapefruit in each hand. They were extremely perky, but very soft and bouncy she jiggled them a bit as you couldn’t help but stare, feeling your hands moving through them felt amazing. They expanded larger slowly rising and taking up more space bubbling over and on top of your torso, growing bigger into E cups, she moaned, “Oh god yes! More!” Your hands moved through her chest like clockwork, grabbing her nipples and squeezing them, suddenly feeling the urge to suck on them as you looked up with your best puppy dog eyes, trying to seduce her as you moved your upper half closer to her chest, trying to wriggle free of her body sandwiching you against the door.

She blushed and let go, as you feel your lungs fill with more air, letting out a long breath. You lean your head down to her breasts slowly as she bites her juicy lips, quivering in anticipation. “Oh look at you...mmm...go ahead…suck my big titties...mmm...” she smiled devilishly as you latched your mouth around her erect nipples, she moaned again as her breasts expanded even larger, growing past melon sized breasts into huge jiggling G cups, you cup them in your hands, but they spill out rapidly as you try and fight back against it, Claire’s hands move under them as she squeals, “Oh my god! They’re so big...oh god...” her hand clutches the back of your head and begs you to continue, pushing you forcefully towards her engorged nipple. You don’t have much of a choice, but gladly oblige as you go back to sucking and biting down on them, you feel her huge breasts push against your face more and more as she shoves your face even harder into her growing breasts as they expand into titanic J cups, as each as big as you head in size. "Ooh...yeah...they're getting enormous...awhn!" She moans loudly as you feel your head brush against her body slowly moving downwards. She lets go of the back of your head as you slowly readjust and straighten out, you see your perspective even lower now eye level with her neck, quickly noticing her wider shoulders, long toned arms, wide hips, extremely thick thighs, and much taller erotic body.

She places her hand on the top of your head again, feeling her hand almost bigger than the top of your scalp. Her fingers run through your hair as she giggles, looking down at you, and then at the mirror, noticing her head moving upwards and growing slowly out of frame of the top of the glass reflection, she was getting so big, most of the apartment was too small for her now. You look back at her, craning your neck to try and see over her huge J cup breasts, seeing your eye level with the top of her cleavage under her neck. "I'm still getting bigger...mmm…yesss…" She stuck her tongue out and started humping the air, as you watched her overcome by lust. “Claire...you’re getting really big.” - “Mmm….yeah….more...” You noticed the top of her head at the height of the door-frame. She smiles down at you as she steps forward, pushing you against the door with ease as she bounced up just a bit taller her body bounces upwards again another inch as she softly moans, you watch your perspective lower down again, now towards her massive natural cleavage.

She was growing bigger and bigger and there was nothing you could do about it now, after letting her take the whole bottle, she had been popping down piles of the miracle growth drug until she was taller than the doors in your apartment. Her two massive breasts were the size of giant melons jiggling and bouncing uncontrollably with every movement. “Aww you’re so cute down there! Come here!” You feel your head against her gigantic tits, like two huge mountains of soft pillow-soft love surrounded your head as your vision went dark. You hear her giggle through her chest as start to lose oxygen, feeling her two soft breasts engulfing your mouth, nose and ears, listening to the soft thump of her heart beat. Her heart starts to beat faster and faster as you hear her body groan, listening to her grow taller again as your head moves farther into her cleavage again, powerless against her strength, you lift your arms and clutch hers outside your vision trying to move them. They left like branches of a tree, tightly constricted around your arms, you hear a muffled moan again as her heart beats faster again, when suddenly you are let go, you gasp for air, seeing your eye level now underneath her massive breasts above her belly button. “Claire! I couldn’t breathe...oh...holy shit…”  as you watch her legs begin to bend slightly under you as you hear a thump above you. “Ow…this bathroom is so small!” - “No Claire...you’re just getting enormous...” You look at her towering above you, now a head taller than the door frame, she moves away from the massive dent in the ceiling she made with her head, and starts to grab and move sides of the bathroom doorway as you get shoved aside. Her body moved past you grabbing onto the door frame as you jumped into the hallway. You looked up as she bumped her head into the hallway light. “Careful Honey!” you called out. “Ugh! I know! It’s just...so hard to move...oh...fuck…awhn!” she moaned loudly as her body bulged growing outwards as the door frame around her wide ass started to buckle and tighten. She fell to the floor on all fours, trapped between the hallway and the bathroom.

You raced to her aid, looking at her huge growing hips stuck in the door-frame, as she turned to you weary eyed, “Honey...help me…” - “O-ok! Hold on!” you grabbed onto her top half, like the top of a large table and started pulling, but it was no use, your size didn’t even compare to her height and weight now, she sighed and then moaned, as her ass grew larger again leaving cracks in the frame. “I guess...there’s only one way to get out of this now...mmm...aaawhn…” Claire moaned, sticking her two fingers in her mouth and lapping them with her big juicy lips and tongue until they were soaked in her saliva. She reached her wet hand into her even wetter pussy and started thrusting it with her two fingers. She moaned loudly as you noticed her entire body shift in size again, growing larger an inch at first and then two and then three as she boomed larger in a massive growth spurt. Her ass destroyed the door frame as she crawled slowly into the bedroom, leaving a wake of destruction in her path. Her ass slammed through the bedroom door, blasting the door off the frame towards the bedroom drawer snapping it in half as she grew larger, and even bigger as her body finally settled in the room she cooed looking back at the ruins of her destruction. You stood there in fear and excitement, trying to catch your breath hearing her moan and giggle in the bedroom.

You slowly entered the room, listening to Claire moaning and fingering herself uninterrupted. “Claire…?” You call out approaching slowly, seeing her from afar as she continues thrusting her raw pussy with her two fingers, gently humping the air. She started to close her eyes and stick her tongue out, gently crossing her lips and suddenly breathing rapidly as her entire body quaked growing bigger. Her other hand fiddled with her enormous breasts, now larger than your head, maybe even larger than your torso. Her body shivered again, growing taller as the bed beneath her split, hearing a resounding crash and cascading jiggle of her amazon body. Her two huge, thick thighs spread further, reaching the rug under her as she moaned again, feeling the last bits of her clothing and jewelry snap off of her body leaving her nude and extremely horny, sprawled over the bed. “Should I get the tape measure?” - “No...just...mmm….come here...” she moaned as her body groaned again as the bed frame collapsed under her weight as her body grew even bigger. “Holy fuck Claire!” - “Ooh...sorry...little man...the bed was too small for me…” she giggles as she lays back onto the destroyed mattress hearing the springs buckle and snap under her growing body, her long legs were far past the length of the bed now. “You better hurry...before I get too big…” she giggled as you felt your throat get dry, you approach her eager to fuck a giantess for the first time.


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