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Hello my dear patrons, here are the three pics I shared today on social media, only in full size. This is a beautiful Jinbei dear Kimimaru sent me from Japan. Feels and looks great, thank you so much dear friend. It's so comfortable I can't believe they wear them on the streets ☺️

UPDATES: Well, as I told you last time, I've been taking this past days off (nothing special, just staying at home watching Grey's Anatomy - never saw the series, thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but Farit recommended it and now I'm hooked!), and had some doctor's appointments and some improvements. I finally was included in a new treatment program for my kind of arthritis that doesn't affect my stomach and it's really working well, and I was able to start the healing process of all that was messed up. I'm five days in with my (brutal) antibiotic treatment for my stomach and so far so good, only I need to take it easy and don't do much this days. It's a 14 day treatment, but I'm really happy I'm finally here, that means in no time I'll be fresh as new. 

I'm still waiting for the first pics from the photoshoot I had around 10 days ago, I wanted to show them to you this weekend, but the photographer is still editing them and just yesterday he told me he's almost done, but still at it. 

Everything is ready to start sending the signed photographs to all of you that have already filled in a physical address. If you rather don't give that data to Patreon but still want yours (hey, they're free for you if you're a "proud patron"!), you can send me your address on a private message here or by email to music@benjaminkoll.com I'll be sending them to all "proud patrons" on September 3. Curious fact, the factory has just discontinued this kind of paper, so this first batch will be unique. 

Until then, I'm really craving doing some music (maybe I'll allow myself one day next week) and resume all what's on store. Videos, releases, pics... lots coming. Have a great weekend, and thank you so much for being here, it really means a lot to me, love you guys 😘😘❤️




Feel better! https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/zeus-and-friends/pl.u-aZb0k25sr44V4


Wow it looks really great on you. Hope you are feeling better!


Hope you will be all good soon 😘 don't try to binge watch whole Grey's Anatomy, every rewatch taking me around 3 months 😅


Thank you dear Terry. I’m feeling better indeed, better than last month, baby steps, but now it’s only a matter of time 😊😘😘❤️


Omg I’m on season 7 now, have watch all that on three weeks, proof I’m resting lol 😂 I’m also happy I’ll be good by mid September, looking forward to do more videos 😊 thank you so much 😘❤️❤️


Looks amazing on you and glad the treatment is helping, wishing you a speedy recovery 😘❤️


I’m happy you are starting to feel better and I hope your treatment helps. Sending you a big hug.❤️


Thank you so much dear Jesse 😊 I just need to stay away from stress a little longer and it will be it 😊 have a great weekend 😘😘❤️

Pablo Pizarro Baeza

jejejeej ahi un personaje en one piece que se llama y viste exactamente una de esas cositas😅😅😅 ... OHH SI yo tambien soy re fan de greys anatomy, una muy buena serie 😄😄😄... a todo esto me alegra que su tratamiento sea un excito ojala y asi siga mucha mejor, le mando los mejores deseos y las mejores vibras jejejj🤗😚😘😘... PD: pregunta si no pongo mi direccion no me llegaran las fotos😱😱😱


Get well soon dear. I hope you recover well <3


Gracias querido Pablo, poco a poco irá la cosa a mejor 😊 hay que poner la dirección pero ya tengo la tuya por lo de los CD así que no te preocupes, que yo le encargo 😘😘😘❤️❤️


and I just filled in my address. Can't wait to receive the signed piece :)


Que bien te sienta jejeje aunque no te imagino por las calles de Guadalajara con ello puesto 😅. Me alegra te todo vaya bien y el descanso haya sido recompensado con mejoría. Mis mejores deseos ❤️😘😘😘


Bueno jaja calle poca, llevo desde marzo del año pasado sin poder salir a pasear, estos días es la primera vez que estamos saliendo a hacer recados y tal pero con cuidado. Ya llegará. En cualquier caso este finde aún menos pues estamos cerca de un huracán y el clima es complicado, así que sofá y pelis hasta que pase todo 😘😘😘❤️❤️


Tendrá tiempo para acabar de ver anatomía de grey entonces 😂😂😂😜


Jaja probablemente, aunque este fin de semana he decidido hacer pausa y hacerme un especial Brian De Palma ☺️ besos! 😘😘❤️


Ohhhhh Carrie es buenísima!!!!! Si no me equivoco es de él. No conozco mucho pero Carrie me fascinó cuando la vi. Creo que es de él, hace tiempo que la vi y si no me equivoco es de De Palma


Pues que disfrute del fin de semana 😘😘😘


Looks good👍 take care I hope you get well soon😊


Very very good! 💚


japanese clothes are very comfy for big men. I have a pair of kimonos, a gift from a close friend. I wear often one on cool evenings (understand when I don't walk naked at home :P ). and yes, you can wear them outdoor on summer. every fashion for big men should be showed as a way to promote new ways of clothing beyond the habits of the society where we live. have a great sunday, benjamin. hugs :)


and a bonus for the stendhalian background of the pictures