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Hello guys, hope you're having a great weekend!

My first post today it's a demo only Jose Spinnin had heard before you, it was the third demo of the song Higher for Perfected, the first one with my vocals in it. What's interesting about this is that many ideas for the arrangement were lost to the final versions released here.

You never know what's best. It happens sometimes when you spend too much time with an arrangement. The other day, when I heard this for the first time since 2018 and then compared it to the final release... I think I like the ideas here best :)

The good news is that a Perfected album with all the remixes and originals + new songs, all of them revisited will be released sometime next year (I'm hoping it'll be January), so I'm still on time to produce a new version of it, bringing back some of this elements. Tell me what you think.




Love it!


Esto tiene un sonido muy potente de bajo que me encanta pero la versión o versiones finales todas, me encantan 😍. Es difícil decidir cual es la mejor cuando al mismísimo creador le puede entrar la duda también.😁 le hechas mucha imaginación a todo lo que haces y logras de una canción hacer varias versiones que suenan genial. En si está demo ya es buena en mi opinión 👌🏽


Es una canción a la que le di mil vueltas, de ahi que terminase montando esta version con las tres mejores partes (todavía hay una version anterior mas, que suena mas EDM pero no me gusta) 😘❤️😘