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Here are the next 9 pages for Interception! Got them mostly planned out. Expect to see additional adjustments as I come up with the final renders.

I know there’s this long-going gag about a story in porn isn’t and shouldn’t amount to anything. But I wanna do something special with this. But for those who’re getting a little impatient, I can assure you that the pages following this will get real hawrny! Still, I wanna touch on some topics and make their moment together meaningful, but also very dicky. UwU

I’ll work to get the first render out in a couple of days! Thanks so much, y’all. I feel like I’m making something pretty unique here.




I for one am more than happy to see porn rolled into a real story with approachable, interesting characters, over no-story porn any day! ❤️


Porn for the sake of porn can be fun. Porn with some plot is even better. Plot with some porn is top tier shit!