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So we're about done with the move thankfully, though we're having trouble with the wifi and I don't know how long it's gonna take for these at&t guys to fix it, they dont even seem to know what's causing the problem, so thats great lol.  New home is nice though, getting back to work and using my cel data for internet and stuff, so I'm  not completely locked out. The move had me a little winded and fatigue, especially since I got over covid not too long ago. Everything should get back to normal soon though.

Also pay day arrived, though I feel I dont deserve it with how little I been putting out lately, just a lot of things going on, but I'll try to make it up to you all, especially the upcoming year. Experienced quite a dip this time, so I gotta work extra hard. Thankfully I got new expected clients with some really hot ideas for animations. 

And of course I can't leave off without expressing my gratitude to everyone that has stuck by me and supported me through here, even during chaotic times. <3 

That's all for now though, hope you all have a merry Christmas and happy holidays!



Congrats on the move! Wishing you good vibes and can't wait to see more from you! ^^


hey now you totally deserve every penny you make amazing content and were here to support you! take your time get everything set up and when its all finalized and ready well all be here excited to see your work.