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This is what it was made during this month!


Wish (Project) - 6 pages

Ideal Trophy Wife (Project) - 4 pages 

Tier 3+ Time Exclusive- 1 page


On the other side - 1 page

Bachelor to Bunnygirl Page  02 - 1 image


$3+ Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-monthly-32725362

$5+ Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5-monthly-32725325

$10+ Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-monthly-32725219

Links change every month! (Please don't share outside)


Hey everyone!

I was supposed to slow down a bit this month, oh well :p

Next month WISH and Idea Trophy Wife Projects continue!
as well as at least one more page for the Tier 3 exclusive
(will try to make it at least one more page next month but I can't tell for sure)

Not much else for me to say this time :P
but hope you've been enjoying the content! :3 

also, sneakpeek for next month:


Discord Invite:




We look forward to it, but also we hope you can find time for self care.

Erin Halfelven at BigCloset

I saw some where that you felt down because of a lack of positive feedback, so I'll just take a moment here to tell you how much I enjoy and admire your work. Thank you for sharing your artistic vision and your effort and skill.