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Hey everyone!!!

Just wanted to let you all know that in the near future I want to start focusing more on longer/bigger projects. This will, most likely, impact on the amount of pages/content delivered on a given month.

This is actually a problem I’ve been dragging since years, prior to the first Raan’s Doll hiatus.
Making longer comics is harder and just working on the scripts takes a long time. And it’s actually really hard to focus when you’re thinking you might not be able to have the content ready for the month.  So, I have keep focusing on delivering shorter faster to do content since it just makes more sense within the Patreon monthly format.

I like the shorter comics as well, but I need to find a better balance.

So, my plan right now is to focus on a couple of side shorter content for the month (most likely poll focused stuff) around 4 to 5 pages per month and the rest just focus on bigger projects.

But here comes the risky part, I might or might not finished those during that month, and that would mean all you get to see would be those 4-5 pages before mentioned.

I have stressed over this situation a lot, and been trying to find a solution, but to no avail so far. This is the only way I see where I can steadily keep working on longer projects while at the same time doing some side work to keep the content flowing.

I would try to the best of my abilities to keep this unchanged, maybe by splitting a comic on 2+ episodes wen possible... but at the same time I really don’t want to stress over this too much anymore, it always just ends with me burning myself out.

Now, I haven’t mentioned this but, if there’s a slow month, it would come followed by a good one most likely c:

Anyway, that’s the update, it won’t apply immediately next month since I have been working on some stuff, but I’ll update the description of the Patreon soon to reflect this

Feel free to send your questions or suggestions on the comments below or on the Discord.
And I hope to keep seeing you around, after all is thanks to your support that I can keep making content :3




Whatever you decide it is your Patreon! I am subscribed to other Patreons which have been very late in delivering content. People understand that life happens. I love your content and I am looking forward to more long form content. If that means I have to wait a bit and have a lighter month I am okay with that.


Here's the thing, right? It's disappointing getting no content in a month, for sure. But it's also kind of disappointing getting nothing but one-page or even one-panel shorts. Finding a happy medium between long format content and short content will be better in the long run for both you and the paying customers here. If that means that some months we get 4-5 pages of shorts, then the next month we get 4-5 pages of shorts and a massive comic dump? I don't think anyone here would have a problem with that.


Hey, I decided to become a Patreon of yours to support your art. Not to get something on a deadline, especially a monthly deadline. I support artists with monthly payments that get work out almost daily. I support artists with monthly payments that only get work out a few times a year. I’m satisfied with both scenarios as I love the art. Quality is so SO much more important than quantity. You make the art that makes you happy and I guarantee that you’ll have a happy satisfied audience.


sure we all want more content, but personally i came on board for the Raans Doll, so anyting else is just gravy. to me the longer comics are worth the wait even if it means a little less content. hell its not like i even need full "chapters" or whatever, im good with a few pages when ready.


I really love your bigger stories like brand new world, spa special ,marina,z.o.a.t. ha so many mind melting 😵‍💫💋


Take your time.


I personally only subscribe for your long form content! I love how well you build a story and incorporate slow transformations into the story and characters. The short sequences are just not as interesting. I would much rather have less content if it means more long form stories! We know that takes work, and you definitely shouldn't feel rushed or there is some minimum post number you need to hit to keep us happy! I'll be happy to read your work whenever it's ready!


Honestly if you focused solely on the long term stories and only posted the single panel or short stories when it was art practice (whether from a poll or not) I would be completely ok with that. Also, instead of big breasted bimbos it would be cool to see more avg or small curves.


You gotta do what's right for you. I hope this format works better for you. Can't wait to see what you've been working on! I hope we'll see more Raan's Doll personally!

Jason Butler

You’re doing wonderful ^_^ I don’t think you’d lose any patrons. And I’m sure everyone has ideas for new content if you’re ever having trouble with fresh ideas