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Hey Everyone !!! 

So i didn't really got  too many comments about the "pay upfront" change.

the few i got seem to agree that it might be a good thing !

So this message is to let you know i will make this ! 

I believe the date i will make the change will be the 25th of May (around a week)

So a few things to have in mind:

1. You shouldn't be charged twice, you will pay the usual amount the 1th of 

    June in this case, the only difference is that you will be paying for the current     month (june) instead of May (so yeah, you kinda get May content for free) :P 

That means, those who pledge on June will still get May rewards (one week after payment), plus June Rewards (during the month, other content like videos, PSDs and HD files will be sent most likely at the end of June).

More info: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283

2. According to this, the only disadvantage is that if you decrease your pledge, you won't be refunded, so please chose the amount you pledge wisely, you still have one week to do so. 

3. I really hope we got a smooth transition, but since i'm not sure how Patreon will handle thing, i just can say that any problem,  i will do my best to take care of it myself. 

4. REMEMBER, this is GOOD NEWS! We will get rid of people abusing the sstem, and will allow me to upload content more often so you wont have to wait to the end of the month for the goodies, that can only be a good thing, right?


If someone can read the article and help me here will be appreciated,

remember my english isn't the best u.u 

you shouldn't be charged twice according to this example:

Example: A patron pledges to you on January 5th for $10 per month. The patron is charged on February 1st for January patronage. On February 25th, Jack changes his campaign so that patrons are charged upfront. The patron will be charged $10 on March 1st for March patronage.

More info: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


We reach a new Goal this month !!! 

That means more pages ! Woooooot!

Now, the new payment  method might change that (?) who knows.

Anyway I though I had to let you know that this month episode of

RAAN'S DOLL is a short one, just 4 pages.

That means the rest will be filled with The ZOAT!!! 

So expect more pages of that this month :)

This is something that might start to happen more often now that we reached more pages, it won't be always all about Raan's Doll. 

Anyway, those are the news for now, 

Please share your thoughts on the comments below ! 




yes that makes sense the pledges only i did not see where they charge February, but thats what you said you get one month free right?


Yeah, they never say that since each PATREON handle their rewards diferent. But in my case i guess that would be the case.


yes its odd. but think it will be much better. you will have your pledges before you upload any content. And that should be always the case. ;-) love your work. it took me forever to find this all ;-) glad i am here now hahah

Martin Lock

The billing thing seems a positive move; we still pay every month, and hopefully Kannel will still get the money every month, while it stops people from popping in, getting access, and then leaving without paying. On the comics side, while ZOAT is fun, I do prefer the subtlety, the humanity, and the believability of Raan's Doll...


Yeah that's a subject i will tackle on another time... i know many are here mainly because of Raan's Doll, but i also know many would like more transformation stuff... so i do have 2 audiences and i don't really know how i should handle that ... but that's for another time ...


Well you don't get charged "twice", but you will charged for two months on the first june. So instead of $10, I will be charged $20 on the 1.6.2016. For me this isn't problematic, but it could be problematic for other peoples. Here is the FAQ entry from Patreon: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will I be missing a payment by charging upfront? No. You will still be paid the same number of times within the year by existing patrons. For example, if you have 100 patrons that pledged to you on February 10th, those 100 patrons will be charged on March 1 for February. However, if you turn on "charge upfront" on February 15th, those 100 patrons will be charged on March 1st for March. In either case, those 100 patrons will be charged on March 1st for the amount of their pledge.