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Following this post:

So, I wasn't gonna, but I decided to make a Poll at the end.
Just easier to check interest, also there's possible a new contender :p

Just need to mention quickly that the result of this poll doesn't mean I'll make that Comic, this is mainly to gather information and check interest. I do want to continue all these, but at the moment I don't have a strong inclination or clear idea for any of these.
(I still have time anyway, since I'm currently working on the new CYOA plus other stuff :3)  

The more mentioned Comics on the previous post were ZOAT (Happy Three Friends)
and Deep Within.
The New Order
was also mentioned, even when I said I was leaving that out for now, since I'm not sure how to continue it. But I guess that's kinda the case for the previous ones too, so I decided to put it on this poll too.

And lastly, Locked In, (the last short I uploaded)
since people reacted very positively about that one
and I also think it does have potential for a continuation. 

I'm not including Raan's Doll on the Poll since I'm continuing that one regardless :p

So, that's it!
Vote for your favorite and comments are always welcome! :D 

Sunday 18, Midnight (PT)  


Blue Dragon

Gosh that was a really tough choice. My ranking in order of most wanted to least would be New Order, Locked In, and Deep Within. Lots of good choices.


Gotta go with New Order and then Zoat. Love some Zoat.


admittedly my second choice would be Deep Within