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Winner:  Reward
Was having agood enough advantage to wait another day,
also, already got an Idea to start working on :3 

The winner of the previous Poll was: Sexy Office Attire

And to be honest, it was my fav option!  :3  woot!

Now... I have a general Idea of what I'll do, but there are 2 things I could use some help with.

First would be for the Poll: Punishment or Reward?
So, easy enough... the idea is that the victim will be surprised nonetheless...
but the way they take it will change accordingly if they think is a good or a bad thing.

And second thing is that I'm still taking suggestions on the comments below,
but these are setup suggestions, things like where or when will this happen?
why could this happen? what did our hero do to deserve a clothes attack!?
how does the clothes attack works? its magic? should be magic! :P
means there's a witch involved? or a curse?

So many options!
I'm still keeping my options open, so, listening to suggestions!

Stuff related to the "transformation" itself and how the comic progress will come later,
once the comic already has started 

Vote on your fav option, and suggest below if you want to share any ideas :D
No limit this time, but please don't spam either!

Deadline: Soon! I want to start working on this ASAP :P



Reward, definitely a reward. Especially if it's done as reward for a genuine good deed. Punishment, on the other hand...it should be a punishment that fits the crime and gives the person being punished a chance to make amends.


On how the clothes attack? Maybe our protagonist saved someone or did something nice in a room full of old clothes and there was some magic on those clothes that they found and the clothes rewarded them for it.


Maybe something like the character comes into work after winning some big contract (or something) to find a gift on his desk from his boss, and when he opens it up, the clothes fly out and dress him up? (And he's been promoted to his boss's personal secretary lol)


Maybe the item could be something enchanted much like the ring from before but it’s a pair of glasses. Office wear always reminded me of a librarian ideal and that is a pretty big staple of that sort of outfit. It could be something along the lines of a haunting of someone that owned the glasses before ( example is MC finds them in the lost and found and they were a woman’s who tragically lost her life before she was able to live or something like that.) or maybe the glasses “show the wearer what they truly need to see”. It is a vague sort if magic that can give rise to a deep understanding of the MCs true feelings for a reward.


We already have Blondie being punished in an office setup in the ‘Kannelverse’ so I really want to see this as a reward.


A touch disconcerting at first, perhaps, but definitely a reward.


We need more rewards.


An rewards that look like a punishment would be cool :) The only thing a bit sad is when the protagonist accept too quick his new life without even think of his familly and friends


Have the clothes attach him from a wardrobe. Also youve got to have sheer stockings, glasses and an updo.


If it’s like glasses than we can have a running theme of magic items changing our character like with The Ring story


If it turns out being reward, maybe an newly opened magical clothing store is giving someone a promotion and a new outfit to match the position

Blue Dragon

Maybe it’s punishment by a female boss who knows it will be a reward in the end.

Dov Sherman

If it's an office worker AND a reward, that sounds like a promotion. Maybe it's because a guy gets a promotion to Head Secretary. And the position comes with a very large bonus.