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Hey everyone!
Here's the credit page for the SHOUT-OUT I made during January,
Thanks a lot to those mentioned here!

Just wanted to check that everyone who pledge on that Tier during that month is here.
So, please check and let me know if you aren't, since it's really hard to keep track of it
(that's the main reason why that tier is no more)

Also, I decided against doing bonus images for this comic,(beside this one) the main reason being that I might want to continue it at some point, and making bonus would just limit my options of what to do with the story.
Another reason is because I'm changing the focus on exclusives, and focusing more on having this comic out for sale as soon as is done (for the non Patreons)  

But there will be bonuses when it  makes sense, for example I'm currently working on the CYOA bonus content/epilogue :3 

Well, that's it for now,
please check the list if you where on the SHOUT-OUT list during January!
and let me know if you don't appear! but shouldn't happen ... we will see :p   





This comic was great, really hope it's continued

Sam T

I don't see my name. It's for 10 dollar and up right?


Nope, it was the Shout-out tier (Currently GOLDEN PATREON 2) it was done this way because many preferred to remain anonymous, so you had to switch to this tier if you wanted the mention :/

Summer Meeks

Really, really hope this is continued. One of my absolute favorites.