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Hello Everyone!!!

Yet another Busy month!
I hope you enjoyed the content, specially the return of Raan's Doll c:
This was made during this month!  (January)

Raan's Doll Chapter 04 Ep01; No accounting for taste Page 01 to 07


HAPPY 2021!!! + Happy 2021! in undies! (variant)

Happy MOO Year!

What Now!?

You can access the Files & Links here:

$3+ Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-monthly-32725362 

$5+ Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5-monthly-32725325 

$10+ Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-monthly-32725219 

Links change every month! (Please don't share outside)

Just a reminder that I'm switching things around here a little bit this year, but I don't think it will change much...

I do plan to take more time to work on Comics (using more time working on my scripts) but if anything get postponed because of that I'll try to replace it with something else, some previews or Work in Progress worst case scenario.

As part of the changes, $3 tier will get access to these previews too! starting next month.

Now, I'll always let you know at the end of the month what you can expect for the next one.
For next month you can expect more Raan's Doll coming! along other neat stuff! :D 

Another reminder, the GOLDEN PATREON + SHOUT-OUT tier will change and work the same than a GOLDEN PATREON! tier next month.

You don't need to change to  the old one, but there will be no more shout-outs!
so, change Tier accordingly if you have too.

Thanks again for your support!  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚



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