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Maybe he should have listened...
It's gonna be embarrassing when he finds out  :p

Disclaimer: none of these characters are underage
they are on last year of high-school and already of age.

That being said, that bring an Interesting question that I'm curious about...
So, the high school setup its very common in the east, but can be clearly be a touchy subject in the west... specially with any kind of lewd content.

I know this is a fine line and "if" I keep doing stuff like this I would stay away from anything more than "lewd" but still some feedback about this would be useful since I have always wanted to tell a story in this setup but have always stayed away for this very reason.

I have seen other artist using the disclaimer before when they do stuff like this...

So, I would like to know your thoughts about this:
Is this a "no no" ? a "maybe" or a "yes, more"?
would be a disclaimer good enough or I'll be just asking for problems?
or i'm exaggerating and being too careful?

let me know :p 




Ahhh, so cute, I love it! I know this can be thorny, but I'd definitely like to see more


Yes, with a Content Warning disclaimer would work for me


Would be fine with this, not everything has to be lewd can be just cute stuff or playing with genre's


Disclaimer is probably fine, I would check the patreon terms of service to make there is no issue that could compromise your platform

Marquis Green

I say try your hand at this more, but a disclaimer is always a good idea in general.


As long as it’s clear that there adults body wise I think it’s fine


Disclaimer is a good idea, go for it otherwise.


Disclaimer, but make it clear that they're on that age cusp and in the same relative age-group with each other (i.e. none of them are SIGNIFICANTLY older or younger than each other, within two years or so).


Frankly, I was more put off by the amount of blue language than a young-looking character. It never occurred to me that an actual underage person was depicted. I think it would be better to establish character ages via exposition than a disclaimer.


Content warning.. Also suggest avoiding going TOO flat chested.. (B or smaller) unless you include a noticeable "bulge" just to visually avoid the reader implying too young..


Really like one, it just gave the hope to see the 'prequel' and a sequel of this haha


Oh, that is cute! Love the outfit! In terms of content, it can be a touchy area. I've read plenty of manga, and this doesn't seem out of place. I've personally found it less stressful in my own stuff to just age them up a year or so, setting it in a college environment.


i think the idea is awesome !! you could give it access via Dropbox .. etc and college is perfect


I agree with the aging up to college/university, then you avoid the uneasiness


As long as it’s not based on an actual person at all, plus like others have said, just make sure the characters don’t look crazy youthful. If you can aim for an 18-21 year olds body type, plus add the disclaimer, you’ll be fine!


Disclaimer is for the best, but I'm good with it over all. Side-note, Can we see a prequel to the image above?

Ella Cherry

I love it, wish I could see more of them!


I agree with everyone. I love this and a disclaimer is probably good for your protection. This one is way cute!


It's going to be touch as in Japan (which I would assume this is inspired by) Uniforms only go up to high school. College they are allowed the freedom to wear what they want and sometimes ollege students will go nuts on the clothing budget.


Well, I don't know if this would complicate the matter for you but I find in my own stories and such that if you just 'tweak' the baseline setting it could be sufficient. Like a world where the average lifespan is 150 so people go to school until their mid 20s as normal. Or a world with age changing tech/magic/other and a common punishment is 'remedial school' for minor crimes. Or a world without the, in my opinion rather boring, 'adult fashions' so everyone dresses like teenagers regardless of age. *laughs* But yeah a simple disclaimer should be all that's necessary. Though I would also say go WAY beyond full lewd but I would say that about most anything involving the awesome art styles I adore. ^^ <3


I personally think its a no. I usually feel very uncomfortable about even the amateur porn section, not that it's illegal or anything, it's probably just problematic that people sexualize younger people so much. at the very least a disclaimer would be good. I don't think I would unfollow if you were to produce content like this but especially while mainstream porn sites are cracking down hard, I would play it safe.


Honestly, if you have to put a disclaimer on your work, you might be straying into dangerous territory. While I do agree that this is pretty tame, I'd be worried about compromising your account. Plenty of 'school' stories can be done in college where there is no ambiguity on age.

Blue Dragon

I believe there are both moral and legal issues that you need to consider. My suggestion is to avoid high school settings. Plenty of adult freshmen in college continue to dress the way you have portrayed.


Fine by me

Pixelly Cocoa

If they're actually of age, then I suppose it's fine? Personally I feel like the superior option is to either use freshmen in some sort of college of your own design like Blue Dragon suggested, or an AU where high school ages are different. Or something.


It's really really good... but I don't think it's something you can do anymore without people trying to completely destroy your life over it. Which is sad.


C'mon, Kay-Kay! This is cute! There's nothing wrong with it. Fact is; it's actually quite true to life. I've been told to eff off while trying to inform a girl that this had happened to her. Also, it looks like those panties were designed to be seen. lol :3


I don't see an issue with a disclaimer, but I want to know what type of situation occured for Scarface to address the other guy as a shit-head!