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Hey Everyone!
This is a post I have been reluctant to make, but this is something I have to do

Changes are always scary but I have been considering this for the longest time…
and I think Next Year is as good time as any.

So, the short version

So far my focus has been on the amount of content I put per month.
Starting next year I intend to focus more on the creative part
(and hopefully tackle new projects).

This might result on the amount of content varying from month to month, since some I will focus more on writing or just working on stuff  while on others I’ll be more focused on actually finishing and uploading them.

Things will change, but I’ll try to keep it interesting for you all! c:

Long Version

Soooo… the main reason for these changes are the negative effect the current approach is having on my work, especially “Raan’s Doll” during this year but it does involves more than that.

The problem is that currently, every month I just trying to reach the next “deadline” or “content quota”. That’s good and all but the real problem is that I totally left the creative process out of the equation… While rushing to reach that goal I just end never having time to work on my scripts or trying new things like collaborations, commissions and the like.

This is the main reason why it took me more than a year to continue Raan’s Doll, (and I’m sorry to say that to this date that script isn’t even complete yet…) and the same Apply to why we haven’t seen The New Order or any other kind of “longer/most complicated Comics to write”, relaying in shorter and easier Comics just to reach that “content quota” I put to myself.
(Nothing really against them, they are fun to make but I don’t want to do just those)

So, I’m aware what you might be thinking since I have been talking about “amount of content”, and yeah… at least at first there might be a negative Impact in that regard… while focusing on the creative part the content might suffer, but on the other hand, when a script is done, I can focus just on the art and hopefully the quality will be better as well.

I do have some ideas how to balance this, as to make this Patreon still attractive so it keeps going strong. I plan to keep doing CYOA comics and one shots, and I do plan to be more active and share more behind the scene stuff to keep it interesting…

I’m also putting my comics to sale now (starting with Dressed to Impress), so, if things take a turn for the worst I do still have that option at least, but hope it doesn’t comes to that.

Well, This has been a way long post already, so I’ll expand on it on the next one.
But before I finish, just wanted to say this Patreon has been nothing but amazing for me, thanks to your support I get to make a living doing the kind of content I enjoy making, and if anything I’m thinking in the long term here.

So, thanks you all for your support
and feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on the comments below.

Also feel free to jump to the Discord if you want to talk about this, I’ll be around



Janus Rain

You've been pounding out incredible art for a while now. Please don't feel like you're obligated to keep the same level going, I would hate to see burnout take place because you did. A small reduction in output sounds fine.


I would love to see more of ran's doll story❤️❤️❤️


Do what works for you, just here to enjoy whatever you put out.


Maybe posting more WIP rather than just finished pages, then? I know that's what several other Patreons I follow are doing, and that seems to work well enough. Deadlines are a bitch.


How about a Pin-Up calendar? Each month a new picture and at the end of the year you sell it as merch for the following year. And as a bonus for high-tier subscribers you offer a discount according to the time of subscription. You could earn some extra buck, have more time for great stories and we have nice merchandise. WIN-WIN, everyone is happy. ;-)


I was going to say the same thing. Posting concept art, sketches, WiP is cool to me and way to post content without the need of it being perfect.


And maybe you make a poll each month so we get to vote what the next Pin-Up will be.


That makes great sense. There are some advantages to deadlines as bench marks but an artist in your position can’t let them control the creative process. I’d rather have the best new chapter of RD when you’re happy with it than it be in any way rushed...

Blue Dragon

Thanks for the update! I have mixed feelings about how to respond, but I am going to do my best to provide some constructive feedback. First, without any hesitation or qualification, I'll say that you are my absolute favorite artist when it comes to this genre. There truly is no other artist who produces art that I enjoy more, and I get excited every time I receive an email alert that you have made new content available. Your art is spectacular. That said, I have been a bit disappointed with the amount of content that is produced, and it seems as though there has been an inverse relationship between the growing number of Patreons and a decrease in your productivity. Although I 100% understand that it may be difficult to meet deadlines, particularly as an artist, I also think it is reasonable to expect regular content given I am paying for the service. I don't currently have plans to discontinue my monthly Patreon contribution, but I can't guarantee that won't change if the amount of monthly content decreases even more in the coming months. Finally, with respect to some of the other comments, if I'm being completely honest, I'm not particularly interested in the process or WIP content that you post. The one-shot comics are okay, but I really visit this site for the more lengthy comics, and particularly Raan's Doll. Again, please know that I am only trying to provide honest feedback, and I completely understand that my expectations as a Patreon may be inconsistent with the general opinion of others that visit this site.


Its funny you say that because personally i feel I over deliver. There used to be a goal that was 8 pages per month, i deleted it since i was doing more than that every time, and you might have gotten used to that... sooo... partially it was my fault i think :P and that's also part of what i'm looking to avoid in the future. I cannot tell you if it will be worth your money unfortunately, Patreon is suppose to be a platform to support your favorite artists , what you get back should be more focused on bonus stuff. I have been using it wrong and i intend to correct that and hopefully giving some extra bonus stuff for people enjoy ...


damn got sent by mistake XD anyway, i don't know, hang around for a bit and decide later if it's worth or not but its your choice, I'm aware some will not like this change

Blue Dragon

I totally get what you are saying and I was really hesitant to say anything, because I am not planning to leave anytime soon.


I understand your concerns though, and I appreciate you voicing them. I'm sure more people may be thinking the same. But this is the direction I want to go forward, and anyway, nothing is set in stone yet and I’m still thinking and open to ideas to keep it interesting.

Dov Sherman

Speaking as a creator, this makes perfect sense to me. Producing actual comic pages with a story requires a lot more work before you can even begin drawing. Pages take much more time than a single stand-alone image. And pages in a longer story take a lot more time to plan than writing a one-page stand-alone comic. It's the reason I so rarely work on comics; there just isn't enough time in the month while still meeting my quotas. I'm sure that there will be some people who don't understand and will be disappointed. But I think that your work will be higher quality and the people who do understand will appreciate that more.


I'm happy with quality over quantity anytime buddy, I'll still be a supporter either way, especially if this puts you in a better place emotionally ^_^


Kannel, your wonderful, playful, sexy, engaging art brought me over to Patreon to see more of what you were doing. After only a small glance, it seemed to be an easy choice to sign up. I picked my membership level based on what I could afford per month and not on any bonus content. I appreciate that every artist is different. Some thrive under a deadline as the ‘get it done by now’ mentality sparks their creativity and fires up their mind. Others can’t survive under pressure as they’ll get into a horrible circle of putting out work they’re not happy with that makes them more reticent about their own work which makes them put out work they’re less happy with…. As a patron of yours, I simply want you to be in the best place you can be to create art. Creating art isn’t like the moon circling us from above… sometimes you’ll have months with an overabundance of content. Sometimes those months will be bare. But so long as you’re in a good place and creating art of any kind, I’m happy to keep supporting you.


You do whatever it takes to keep making the best TG content on the web and I'll keep paying for it


Quality over quantity?? Sounds like socialism to me! Jk, keep up the good work and do what you gotta do, comrade. Looking forward to the new content.


I would certainly rather have fewer comics that make me feel wonderful things than more that don't, so yes please do what you feel you need to to keep making the best TG art around. But I also think your recent output has been AMAZING.

Andy M

I’d hate to see you burn out further. Do what works best for the creative process and you. You may lose some people, while you may gain others. As a creator it is a hard line between keeping the fans happy and being true to yourself. For people who aren’t part of Patreon will you be using tgcomics for your paid content?