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Hey everyone!  
So, Today I’m adding a New Tier,
GOLDEN PATREON + SHOUT-OUT! (Provisional name)

UPDATE: Everything is working so far, account name for the credit is a must unfortunately, but its super easy to change, just click on the top right icon and select MY PROFILE SETTINGS, You can change the name there no Prob. 

As mentioned earlier, this tier is the same than the Golden Patreon but gives you a Credit/Mention on the next Comic to be turned on a PDF for sale.
(being “Dressed to Impress” the first one)

I’ll be doing some test during the weekend, so you might want to wait a few days before switching if you intent to.

I’ll be also making some changes to the descriptions on the Home page since they are a bit outdated.

That’s the short of it,
for more details you can keep on reading c:


Pertinent information

1. Here’s an example of how the Page should look:

2. The black spaces are meant for simple bonus drawings or sketches

3. The name that will be credited will most likely be the name of your account.
Will have to double check this, so you might want to wait before trying to change it
(if that’s even possible, I don’t know yet)

4. As previously mentioned. You might want to wait until I test this properly,
will let you know when it’s ok to switch! 

5. Why I’m publishing the Tier if isn’t tested properly yet then?
the best way for me to test it is by creating a second account and test it there…
so… the new Tier needs to be published for me to do so :/

6. You should be charged fairly the same (if not the exact same amount) if you switch from Golden Patreon to the new Tier. I cannot be certain because of the way Taxes works on different places, that’s just how it is :/

7. It’s a provisional name because I’ll be changing some of the Tier names in the near future, Golden Patreon comes from back in the day when I also had Bronze and Silver Tiers :p.
But I didn’t wanted to make more changes this time and create unnecessary confusion

8. Once credited the Tier reset, so if you chose to remain on this tier the next month, you will get a shout-out for the next comic  (take in count that the next one might happen months later, but I’ll keep you all posted about that) (they are not accumulative)

Those are all the pertinent information I could think of, but feel free to ask questions on the comments below, I might add them to a Q & A  here as well.



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