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Main post  (including all previous pages):

This was meant to be the Cover at first, but it was too fan-servicy and didn't really said anything about the theme of the Comic, but i thought it would make for a nice first page!

Now, i'm not about to change all the page numbers so page 00 it is :p 

I also wanted to keep the name COSTUME PARTY somewhere,
guess I got attached to it after so long calling this comic that way :p
so, now it's the name of the Store! :D 

Later today I'm making a new Post with all the pages to keep them organized,
new pages tomorrow! c: 




Wow Kannel, that is a great shot/perspective, Truly love it!


I'm a lil surprised you didn't have the service gal "packing" a bit more under the skirt.. Considering the theme of the comic. ( not suggesting you should thou, not personally my thing)


I preferred "Last minute Costumes" as a title a lot. But yes, the story and the drawings are awesome!