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Comic has been updated on link below and MEGA folders

Some people asked on previous posts if she kept her old memories...
well, she seems completely aware of everything, and is surprisingly ok with it :3 

mirror link:  https://i.imgur.com/JPUG3UM.jpg 

I wasn't going to upload this one this month, but the other thing I was doing got delayed and I like to keep the monthly content over 7-8 pages.
So... that means this cliffhanger might last quite a while, not even sure If ill be able to put an update for this comic next month since I want to focus on the bonus content for the Costume Party Comic.  But that remains to be seen I guess...

There's one last update this month regarding the new comic for next month,
that should be coming tomorrow or during the weekend! 

Thanks to the grammar team on discord for the help!

Hope you like it and take care <3




Favorite series this year. Can't wait to see the end


Really, really glad to see this story continue. And, especially seeing the girl be actually HAPPY.

Alex Smyth

She kept her memories and remembers who she used to be. Doesn't mean the magic didn't mentally alter her in other ways. Maybe the magic is making her want to be a girl and his dream girlfriend. I mean, he was resisting at first. So I think that the magic forcing him/her to accept and like being a girl and the guy's girlfriend is possible. Not saying definite, but at least a possibility.


Awesome, at least we know she remembers it. It's always better when it's clear if the TG person is aware or not of his/her condition :) Now we just need to know why he accepts it so quickly haha


I love the look down panel. I also love the realization that he is still in there and knows what has happened and is happy.


I love this story but I feel like it lost a bit of its steam when the clothes started appearing. I hope it catches back up to them getting closer, and him now her not wanting to go back.

Patrick Hunt

I have a strong feeling that the gamer girl will be in some trouble since he/she is supposed to be the ideal other half.