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Comic has been updated here and on the MEGA folders

Hey everyone!

I bring you a new page for the CYOA Comic!
We can see out Heroine sporting her new long and luscious hair!
looks like the likes it :3 

Also, I updated some of the previous pages with the character names!
so, they are Thomas, or Tom, our cute bride to be, and Steve the lucky friend :p 

mirror link: https://i.imgur.com/3bwLm1j.jpg

Thanks to the grammar team on discord for the help!

Hope you like it and take care <3



Zero Wing

Such a lucky girl! I'm a bit jealous, not gonna lie. ^.^;


I love how their hair makes them look like they have cat ears. Nice little touch.


Gosh I love her eagerness !! (And I love her curves even more :3 😅)


im loving this, but also hating this cause im not getting any where in my transition... still, wonderful job, id snuggle the hecky out of her


I love this cat-ear style hair, how she is now a pint-sized ball of enthusiasm, and that she now has about equal butt and bust size. &lt;3


Aww cutey