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Hey everyone!

So, I know most of my Comics (at least the short ones) usually have an open ending...
I kinda like the idea of leaving thing to the reader imagination sometimes...

Now, there are 2 Comics that I never continued, but I always had the intention to do so!
And I guess now that the ZOAT is over, is a good time to start  closing those loose ends c:

The 2 comics I'm talking about are:

The New Order

INSTA-COSPLAY: Hey, Cortana!

I Plan to continue both eventually, just wondering where to start, and I would also like to know what you, my supporters, would like to see next! :D
I'm making this poll open to every Patreon tier, for a larger focus group c:

So, vote away!!!
Comments and suggestions are welcome as well!!!

PS: This poll is not really to decide what I will do next, It's just to have an Idea of what you
      guys want... I'll end going for what I want to do at the end, but having this information
      might affect my decision.



The New Order, hands down one of your best short comics.

Six of Crows

The new order for sure, love the high fantasy setting and the witch character.


Ohh damn this is a hard one. I really love both. The new order was one of your comics that were really great and cried out for more pages. The auto closets are also top notch. Theres been three if I recall, and I love each one of them. I would love to see more transformations from the auto closet. Especially in the public setting where the protagonist is instantly dropped within a crowd. It might be a very interesting to see how they handle themselves after being pushed into the world.

Faye Fatale

You say that ZOAT is ended, but is there a possibility of it picking up again? Like looking at Takemi taking up her training with the witch or following Karla's new relationship?


Oh jeez, talk about hard choices. I love both of these!


The whole cosplay machine thing is great and i loved all the little comics it got. Id love to have more of it.


sure there is, Takemi's path is something worth visiting in the future and we can sure get cameos of Karla and Shawna as well :p

Shaun Harland

I look forward to more of both, but definitely gotta vote cosplay this time 😁


I wait for The New Order next part since so long haha!

Kaffeyette Lektor

I really like both, and we've been waiting for the next instalment of 'The New Order' for a long time, but I thought the ending of 'Hey, Cortana' was a bit creepy and could trigger some people who have had bad experiences, so I'd like to see that one resolved in a way that wasn't so disturbing. Since you plan to eventually do both, it really doesn't matter to me which one comes first, as long as they both happen as soon as is convenient for you. Yesterday would be just fine.

Blue Dragon

The New Order is absolutely one of my favorite comics by any artist. I would LOVE to see more.


I love the Insta Cosplay comics!! They are my favorite comics and are so awesome, would love to see more guys have a chance to be changed into a sexy cosplay


please Kannel make another page I have waited so long to see another page I didnt think kannel would make it