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Hello Guys! This month I focused on getting started with things here, so I have been uploading a variety of stuff... But now that we are more here, i would like to know what kind of content are you looking forward to see.... Would you like me to focus on Raan's Doll related content? or do you prefer the variety? (other characters , gender bender, fanart, etc). What do you think of the ZOAT?, Haven’t seen many people suggesting ideas... is that something that interest you, or should i move the votes to DA? (to have more suggestions and stuff). What do you think about the sketches? Please let me know so i can create the right content for you. Best Kannel PS: Raan's Doll second page coming this week :D



Raan's Doll is the reason I'm here. The sketches and shots of other things your working on are all gravy.


I agree that Raan's Doll is definitely a drive to sign the x,but any sort of good content is good content. ^o^ ZOAT seems like it'd be an interesting side project to keep running for sure!


I also agree that Raan should be the focus, with other side projects interspersed.


I would agree with Ran's Doll being the main focus.

Blue Dragon

Raan's Doll is why I signed up.


Raan's doll forever <3


Same. Raan's Doll FTW :D No mistake, I like your other works too, but Raan's Dool has its unique feel and story that has a huge potential, a rare one which you don't see very often of the Internet (the genre/topic being crowded with corny 3D-model based stories that don't really strike me as art). Ever since you've done the very first drawing featuring those two (the with "That ship sailed away a long time ago"), and after having seen the first pages, I've been hooked x)


Thank you for sharing your thoughs everyone ! I will focus more on Raan's Doll from now on, maybe making bonus art about them instead of fanart and stuff ! So... might change things around next month again (goals, rewards and such, i will let you know) I will keep doing the ZOAT ... as someone mentioned it earlier, is a nice side project that doesn't give me much work (im not making a strip or anything) and is also a cool bonus to have a new strip every week :D ... i might move the voting to DA thou, to have more suggestions and stuff... maybe in the future i will again make some voting patreon only.


Raan's doll would be my number one choice, but I do also love your other works as well. Variety is always good :)