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Hey everyone! Been hard at work on Castle Ravenloft exterior (and it has been quite the challenge!) , but until that is finished, I wanted to release a new party camp / road / forest map. Generic maps are hugely versatile and as a DM myself, I've always enjoyed having a ton of variety when it comes to using different maps for party encampments. If your party is like mine, they hardly ever stay in a town and always find themselves setting up camp in some dangerous neck of the woods. 

This map will be a 20x20 map which will contain a road heading east to west and a small trail leading to a clearing. I'll create versions both with and without the party camp for some variety and of course, day / night / rain / clean versions as well. 

Nothing like the warmth and safety of the crackling campfire as your party discusses their next plan of action. And of course, nothing like that warm campfire being snuffed out by magic as monsters descend from the darkness of the woods ready to consume their next meal! 

Lastly, I have Castle Ravenloft exterior about 50% done at this point and am on target to get this released by Sep 12th! Can't wait to share it with you all and I'll sneak peek some of it next week on Thursday :) 

As always, thanks for your support! 


DM Andy



JM Tixu78

Andy, what will be the size of Ravenloft map ? i’m using 8k ones but with a limit to 8192x8192, so i sometimes need to slightly degrade the quality when the maps are larger than that. It’s ok when it’s 8400 but considering the size of the castle, it makes me wonder what gonna be the size


Is the 8192x8192 a Foundry limit? That's good to know if it is! Either way, the map is 100x80 grid size, but I can make sure to create Webp files at 8000x6400 with an 80 PPI. The raw 8k export will be 8192 x 6552 but I generally resize in Webp for an even PPI to make it better for VTT.

JM Tixu78

I always use webp 8k. I’m not using Foundry but EncounterPlus. When playing with remote players, depending on the device and web browser they use, there could be some issues with larger maps. That’s why at the moment all maps bigger than 8192x8192 are automatically resized by the VTT to this limit when you import them. But i really care to the high quality and details of your maps, so i try to preserve original size.