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So, lots of interesting stuff happened lately -- some it cool, some of it not-so-cool.

For one thing, my Tumblr got deleted.  Almost 30,000 followers and over 500 posts, gone (although I have all the artwork saved myself, so that's not really lost).  It happened because someone claiming to represent Nintendo (but almost certainly not actually Nintendo) submitted complaints to Tumblr that I was harming their copyright.  I got three strikes in short succession, and the only way to submit a counter-claim (and save my site) required me to give both Tumblr and the complainant my actual name and physical address ("for legal purposes").  Suffice to say, I'm not giving away my personal info to some strangers on the Internet, so my Tumblr was deleted.  

As such, my new "main site" is my Twitter -- http://twitter.com/akairiot

I'm also strongly considering deleting my Facebook page.  I don't enjoy posting there at all anymore, and the environment there in general is awful.

In happier news, I passed 1,000,000 page views on DeviantArt this month!  Which is more than I ever, ever thought I'd get.  I can remember going on DA for the first time and seeing artists who had millions of pageviews and thinking, "WOW!  How does someone even accomplish that?"  Turns out the answer is to just keep drawing, and eventually you get lucky.

In other very happy news, I've finally started taking the time to truly learn the fundamentals of art -- especially anatomy.  It's something that I've been putting off for a long, long time.  I've been at a sort of plateau for awhile now, and I firmly believe the best way to push myself to the next level is to learn the basics properly.  I've always gotten by, thus far, by figuring things out on my own, or if I do any deeper study, it's only been just enough to get by.  What I've been practicing and learning thus far has been, I feel, tremendously helpful.  I'm really looking forward to learning more.

The bad news about me taking the time to improve my skills is that I haven't spent as much time actually getting artwork finished and posted.  I want to apologize to you all for my low artistic output this month, and I promise that I'll have more to post for next month.

Thanks for reading, and again, hope you're having a great Halloween!



Sorry to hear about the tumblr, the Nintendo thing going around is absolutely stupid. Stumps creativity and causes holes to appear in the community. But on the brighter side, congrats on 1M views, you absolutely deserve it Akairiot! :-) Facebook just becomes awful after awhile, people tend to get toxic so I generally avoid going there unless I need to sign up for something. Still, I do hope you keep the site though, you have a lot of people who enjoy your art there. But of course, if you feel like it's to much, then please do delete it. Your happiness comes first afterall I would say. No worries at all about the quantity of the art, it's all about quality in my opinion. :-) It seems like you're really happy with going over the basics again, which is awesome! Looking forward to seeing more of your art Akairiot, it gets better everytime I see it. Have a good Halloween!


Congrats on 1m on Deviant art and sorry to hear about tumblr and as for Facebook i can see why you would like to delete, the people there are awful but it is, anyway keep up the awesome work and don't worry about how much art you posted this month,quality is better then quantity when it comes to art, have a happy Halloween

Sylverstone Khandr

Yo Akairiot! Sorry to hear about your Tumblr being pulled. It really sucks that Nintendo-brand NSFW fanart is getting the business end, and I totally respect the fact that you're not gonna hand over info to get it back. As for Facebook, it kinda is a timesink after a while. I really don't think it's a solid platform. A "necessary" one, but honestly, it would be better to axe it since you're uncomfortable there. I'm also glad to hear that you're taking time to pull yourself up art-wise. If it means that your quality of work will shoot up exponentially, then I think your fans are in for a treat as they continue to support you. Congrats on the million dA views, and just keep on keeping on.


I'm truly sorry about what happened with your Tumblr account. That was so unfair, but I'm glad you could save somehow your work before lost it forever. Also, I'm so sory too for the choice to put end to your Facebook page, because I met some of your work there. But I'm glad not everything are bad news. Congratulations for your 1m in DeviantArt! And I hope in the future you can get even more people. From Argentina, Happy halloween Akairiot. You're such incredible artist. Don't give up to doing what you love so much.


Gah, I hate the fake Nintendo ppl ruining tumblr blogs, I've heard of them getting tons of tumblr deleted, must be great to have no life and nothing better to do. Keep up your awesome work tho, guess I'll be checking out your Twitter now, lol.


Congratz on the 1 million page views on DeviantArt! Shame bout the twitter, sux that the internet can be an ass sometimes :/. Keep up the great artwork and wish u the best :^)


Hey dude! It's all good, you'll keep moving forward, and making great art!


I was wondering about that. It sucks but, congrats on the deviantart milestone. Do you plan on uploading all your past work on Twitter? Or maybe a zip file with all of it, because you do have a lot of stuff that you created.

sad flower

Does this mean there will be even less NSFW stuff from you since both Twitter and Diviantart both kinda frown on it?


Wish you the best with your future anatomy research! Totally suggest it as long as it doesn't REALLY stress you out.


Damn, patent trolls (and their relatives) are everywhere. I have no Twitter account, but will still gladly follow you here and on DA.


that's some major shit that they deleted your tumblr,, That was a good source for your material


Thank you so much! I'll keep doing my best, and hopefully I'll keep improving. Hope your Halloween went well!


It's all good, and thank you! Happy Halloween from America! :)


I agree, it sucks -- a few artist acquaintances of mine had their Tumblrs deleted as well, and it's a damn shame. But Twitter seems to be treating me better (for now, at least), so I'll keep on keepin' on. :)


Thank you! Yeah, eventually, I'm going to reupload everything to my art archive Twitter account (@akaiart) -- it's just a daunting process and I haven't been able to bring myself to do much of it yet. I've considered making a .zip file with all my older stuff (pre-monthly picture packs), but again, sorting through all of my files is not going to be a fun or simple task...one of these days, I'll get around to it. TT _ TT


Not necessarily. DA is a no-go for explicit art, but Twitter is totally cool with it. I follow plenty of artists there who post work that's more hardcore than anything I'd ever draw, and they seem to have no problems. I still have plans for some hentai manga with original characters, but improving my grasp of anatomy and my other artistic skills is taking precedent for me right now (on the bright side, that means that future lewd stuff will look better than ever).


Thank you! I'm actually loving studying anatomy, so it's been a lot of fun. :)


Very much appreciated! I'll keep trying to make stuff that you (and I) can enjoy! :)


I agree, it's a bummer. But, since Tumblr clearly values artists so little, maybe it's not such a bad thing that I get away from there. And the material is still all saved on my computer, so I can always get it reposted (eventually). :)


Another artist I follow was also targeted on tumblr but managed to make it out in one piece. It's one of the reasons I've started using the site less frequently because it clearly doesn't vaule artists. I've been following you on twitter so it's not like I won't be seeing your art but it's still frustrating when all that time uploading content is time that could of been spent on something else. I'd considered your grasp on anatomy fairly solid but more practice of fundamentals is defenitly a plus. You have any life drawing classes in your area?


Thank you! I wish there were life drawing classes around here, but the closest thing I have is a bunch of old ladies who meet at the library once a month to paint watercolors of fruit baskets and wine bottles. I'll just have to make do with what I have, and do the best I can. :)


Good luck. I'm in a similar situation, so I just use whats at hand eg porn, anatomy books and pin-ups etc.