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I had this image in my head and I just had to draw it! Tastefully nude women, relaxing in a natural bath by moonlight. After I drew the first one (on the left), I added horns on a whim, and I realized that's exactly what it needed. This was a ton of fun to work on...really nice change of pace to draw something that's entirely about the aesthetic again.

The original version was in greyscale, but I tried a few different gradient filters and ended up going with the purple/pink one. (I also still really like the colorless version, but people tend to dislike black and white for some reason.)




This piece looks so classy. They're nude but they look very dignified. Fan of their long hair and beautiful lush pubic hair.


Pretty nude people in a bath is always nice ^^


Definitely an instant favorite. ❤


We need more Paz!!!