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Man...animation is hard, lol. It's only 8 frames but this took me all morning.

There's a lot I wanna tweak here yet -- I might play around with the speed/squash/stretch of her tits to make things seem a little more vigorous. And I definitely need to do more to sell the motion of her hair than just wiggling the loose strands a bit. But overall, I like where this is going!

I want to do an animation of Iru May, too, but this seemed a little less challenging than what I'm imagining for her. Anyway, have a great weekend, y'all!




you have a great weekend too !! Paz will keep us busy while you're away :D


Paz and Iru May animations are gonna be passionate, intense and surely fun.


Honestly had no idea you had any experience with animation, what a nice surprise!

Ethan Moreno

Yeah, you can definitely see that it took some time to make this, but it looks great so far! I'm currently learning Java/C++ and those two different subjects, but you can tell you're making progress, whether it took a whole day or just a hour or two.


Lookin great so far!


We NEED an animation of Iru May!


My experience is limited but I do my best, lol. It's a skill I'd like to improve. Thank you!

Tobias Apples

If you want more vigorous you can reduce to 6 frames perhaps and adjust the spacing a bit so there's less frames of the main action, more anticipation/overshoot. For example, if one more frame was spent recovering from the 'down motion' it would sell the weight of her tits more.

Tobias Apples

You're welcome! It's hard to explain animation technique over text. It's a difficult art form but incredibly rewarding when you're done. Keeping having fun with it. :)