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I got it done! I wanted WFT to be stretching and contemplative, and give that kind-of-mysterious air that I think defines my version of her character.  She's not the type to look at the viewer -- she does her thing and doesn't care whether you're watching or not. Kept her underwear pretty basic, too -- I don't see her in anything too fancy.

Looking over what I've got ready for the August picture pack right now, my output this month was pretty low again.  It's been a hell of a month...I don't want to talk about what happened, but it's certainly over now, and I'm doing my best to get back into the swing of things. Sorry (as always) for being such a dysfunctional human being, and thank you so much for your support. I'll keep doing my best!




Dem abs. Gotta give credit. Her complexion makes it hard to portray in a fetching manner in some situations. Gud jerb!


Beautiful. I am as stunned as always. Keep up the good work.


Will be getting new lewd Nintendo fanart again soon? This will fill in the gap in the mean time.


Yeah man! Beautiful as always! Keep up the Fantastic work and it's ok, I've had my dysfunctional moments too, but it's good to look out for one another.


I have said it before and I will say it again... THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE! I more biased towards Wii Fit because I main her. Anyway awesome job as always!


Wow. For something just yesterday you doubted yourself on, this turned out really wonderful!


Wii fit trainer is the best

Edwin Shy

Awesome stuff as always dude :)


So lovely. You really know how you draw so beautiful Wii Fit Trainer. This is one of your best works with her.


Thank you! She has such a cold color palette that it's tough to make her seem inviting, but I did my best.


Sorry to say it, but I'm done with sexually explicit Nintendo fanart for the foreseeable future -- gonna stick to ecchi/cute stuff as far as Nintendo characters are concerned. I'll still be drawing hentai of my own characters though, eventually.


I appreciate it! We've all got our own set of problems, but we can at least try to lighten each others' load from time to time. :)


Still doubting myself, but I think it turned out okay. :) Thank you!


I love the style with which you draw eyes.