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1. Minoto doodle (Monster Hunter Rise): I've been having a hell of a good time with MH:R -- way better than I did with World, which I gave up on after a couple hours. Love the character designs, especially the quest maidens. Might do some NSFW art of them, if I can manage it.

2. Cross (OC), Hebe (OC), Nino (Fire Emblem), Shouko Nishimiya (A Silent Voice): These were my profile picture commissions for this week. Hebe was the commissioner's Hades OC, so I tried to somewhat emulate the art style of that game and it was an interesting challenge. It's nice getting a good variety of character types and aesthetics for these, I appreciate that they're still going over well.

So, the main reason I got less done than I wanted this week is that I got my second Covid vaccination on Tuesday and it kicked my ass, lol. Wednesday I was achy and unbelievably tired, and that continued somewhat into Thursday. Today I was back to normal physically, but mentally was just a total foggy mess. Hoping that if I rest up over the weekend, next week I'll be more productive. 

Hope you're all staying safe and healthy, and thank you so much for your support.



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