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I pushed myself as hard as I could and participated in Inktober -- drawing a black-and-white piece every day of October, each based on a provided prompt. I really enjoyed it and I got more new drawings done than I have all year. So for November, I gave myself two new challenges.

The first is Colorvember -- I'll draw a new piece each day based on prompts, and each cannot contain the colors black or white (basically reverse Inktober).

The second is a daily quota of 500 words of fiction writing! I've had a passion for telling stories for just as long as I've been an artist, and I want to finally put that passion into practice. Monday through Friday, I'll have a new 500-word chunk of fiction posted on my website .  I just completed my first piece, a very short horror story (since I was in the Halloween spirit), so check it out if you wanna!

Thanks, as always, for your support! I hope y'all will enjoy the stuff I've been working on, and that you had a good time during the spooky holidays.



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