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I honestly never thought I'd make my first milestone...it's crazy, and I can't describe how thankful I am to everyone who's contributing.  As described, I guarantee I'll finish at least one high-res pinup every month and get it posted on here -- my plan for this month is to do one of Wii Fit Trainer, but I haven't decided much more than that.

I wanted to let everyone know too, starting this month I'm working on doing a batch .zip of all the work I've done in a particular month that will get sent out to every Patron who successfully pledges for that month.  The first batch will be for August, so it'll get sent out after pledges are processed in early September.  I'll probably use Dropbox or a similar service (haven't quite decided yet), but I've got a dedicated "August" folder on my desktop now where I'll copy everything I finish.

I'm hoping doing things this way (sending a Dropbox link to Patrons who paid, rather than posting the content on here) will keep me from getting so many Patrons who pledge, download the high-res versions of everything, then unpledge and run.  There are also a couple of Patrons who have had their pledges declined every month for several months now -- if it happens again this month, you're getting deleted....sorry...

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.  I'm getting closer every day to making this my main profession (sometimes, closer than you might guess).  My final milestone of $3000 a month might sound like overkill, but I'm trying to account for a lot of things -- people whose pledges don't come through, the cut that Patreon takes out, having to pay self-employment taxes, having enough to not just pay the bills but also save for the future/retirement.  This is something I want to do for the rest of my life, not just for a couple of years.  I hope someday we can see that future together -- love ya, everybody.



You're welcome, sir! I like living vicariously through people like you, who have a way to pull out of the corporate sludge of wage-slavery that most of us get stuck in our whole lives, and it's my pleasure to help you reach that goal.


Congrats! Onward and upward.


I think everybody should try to pursue what they love to do -- it doesn't always work (and this might not either, in the long run), but it's always worth trying. Thanks so much for your support, as always. :)

Edwin Shy

Congrats dude :)


might I suggest a poll for what gal we wanna see each month?


I considered something like that, but part of what makes me really excited about my personal work is that I have the freedom to draw whatever I'm passionate about or interested in. If I did do any kind of poll, it'd be more like, "Which project would like to see first, out of these projects I'm already definitely going to do?" Hopefully that's understandable...sorry if it seems selfish.