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So, hey! First of all, thank you so much for your support. Patreon money is still my main source of income, and while I'd never expect anyone to donate any money for the art I make, it's something I've come to depend on somewhat for my monthly expenses.

Despite this, I wanted to make you aware that I updated the $15 tier -- now instead of offering a discount and priority on Option C commissions (a commission tier from a commission sheet that no longer exists), it simply says that if I do commissions again, I'll give priority to Patrons. But please don't get your hopes up.

It's something I've spelled out clearly on Twitter, but only hinted at here -- I have no plans to do public commissions again. The last couple times I did them, I was absolutely miserable. I spent weeks feeling stressed to the point of stomach pain and poor sleep. And more than that, doing commissions robbed me of the good will I've developed for drawing -- art become a chore, a job, a series of mechanical actions instead of a burst of inspiration.  Commissions burned me out. And the money I earned from them didn't make me feel any better.

In the past couple months, I've regained a joy for drawing that's been missing from me for a quite awhile. I draw and post a sketch daily, Monday-Friday, with a strict 2-hour time limit for finishing them, plus some odd extra sketches here and there. I've drawn plenty of original characters, fan art of stuff I like, and even a couple lewd drawings after a long stretch of disinterest. I've finished more drawings lately than I have in years. Regardless of this period of productivity and artistic growth, my earnings from Patreon have been steadily declining. And I'm afraid that putting the last nail in the coffin of commissions might drive more of you away.

No matter the outcome, I'm happy with what I've been doing. Even if I make less money doing it. It should be obvious already, but I'm not an artist for the money.  I don't think anyone becomes an artist with the idea of getting rich -- there's a reason "starving artists" are a common trope.  Instead, I'll just say thanks. Thanks for supporting me in the past, thanks for supporting me now, thanks for any support you wanna throw my way in the future. The art will still be there either way.

Hope y'all had a great weekend~



Thanks for sharing this with us; it means a lot to me. All I'll say is: No matter what your art output is in the future, I'll be here to support ya until the end. You're a nice guy. Have a nice day. =)


It's understandable, Art is something you love doing and it shouldn't feel like a job, I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through last time you've done public commissions but I'm happy your doing better! Lastly and I believe I speak for us all when I say, no matter what happens we will continue to support you as much as we possibly can, not only you draw the most fantasic art but your also a very awesome person and a wonderful friend. Keep your chin up Akai thanks for the update and You have a good one as well. 👍 :)


Do what makes you happy! Your fans will understand. I'm glad you've rediscovered that love of creating art, and look forward to even more of your work. 😍


You're the man!


Thank you! I'll do my best to keep being worth that support! :D


Thank you! I'm glad I get to share these things with you guys (and the rest of the world), and that I know at least some of you will understand. :)


Enjoy your art! (especially Lucina) and i am supporting your Patreon to keep your awesome art alive ;3


Small question though, when do you get the zip file with the art of the month?


Hey! Actually, the .zip file goes out on around the 5th of the following month (so the .zip file for September will get sent on the 5th of October), after Patreon finishes processing all the charges. That way I know who actually paid and who didn't. It'll be a Mediafire link sent through the messaging system here on Patreon, so check it out next week! Thank you! :)