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Hey friends and happy September!   

Thanks for sticking around for another month for those who're returning and welcome to those of you who are stopping by for the first time! I feel like I don't say it enough how much I appreciate the support this long into all of this. Here's some updates regarding this month!   

Progress with Noelle is going well and is essentially finished. Was taking some time to sculpt her out and she's basically ready to render out. I need to finish up redoing her hair into particle hair first before I do so though, so expect that, along with a topless version soon. I attached the sculpt progression I've made from the original model. Noticed that they slimmed her in-game model quite a bit compared to the character art of her, like they do with a lot of these characters, so I based it off the character art proportions for reference.  

I also have been working on fixing up 2B's most recent outfit, and will likely make a wallpaper with it next month.

While doing that, I'm thinking about starting up the next piece in the meantime of Sammy, as its been a long while since I've posted anything on the alt account.

As for following content afterwards, I need to think about it some more, but if there's anyone you'd like to see return that hasn't been around for a while, mention them below and I'll pick one or two to do afterwards! 



Dante Vale

For returning characters, I think Ada and Elizabeth would be nice to see again (I'd say Gayle, but I recall you mentioning wanting to do something other than Draken/Nier stuff for a bit).

Booster Tutor

I'm running out of less popular final fantasy girls. Could maybe do some Serah / Snow? Or maybe Serah/Lighting in the same scene. Or what about Lulu or Rikku? Larxene?


I'll for sure get back to working on Gayle in the coming month or two, but yeah gonna pause on NieR for now since I know I have a lot of people here not necessarily here for that stuff.


Hmm yeahh I'll keep this in mind. Gonna have to think about it for the last three characters mentioned since I don't have anything prepped for them at all rn. Gonna take a while to get set up