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Hey all, 

So I've been spending the past two days or so thinking about how I wanted to approach the upcoming content, as I still have the commissions I need to get done from the Twitter milestone a bit back. This time around, a good amount of the commissions actually ended up being stuff I normally don't post on my account or simply don't really enjoy making, and will likely not be releasing on here or twitter, so it will seem a bit light in content next month. 

To prevent burning myself by trying to get out other content of my own that you guys would like on TOP of the commissions, I've decided to pause billing for next month and just give myself the time and space I'll likely need to get these commissions out of the way. I'm truly sorry about this, but I think it'll be too much otherwise and the results will simply not be to the standard I try to hold for you all. 

This likely won't mean I'll be completely inactive on Twitter, I will try to get maybe one or two projects in if possible, but I'll likely be drained creatively after getting these 5 done in June. 



Completely understandable my friend<3 best to not overwork yourself and burn yourself out(and to not torture your pc even more xD)


Take as much time as you need man, mental and emotional health come first. No need to kill yourself or that GPU.