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Hey all!

SO sorry for getting this to yall late. I had the renders finished the other day, but simply didn't have the time I expected to have to do the post-work on the images after spending most of the day meeting with my own and Lady Seven's families for Easter. Was too tired to do anything so my apologies once again! I know some were waiting on another piece, so I'll hold off on updating the archive link and such for a few days to give people who pledged last month some time to check in and scoop this up.

Thanks for bearing with me this past month as I've been bombarded with hardware issues. Things have been running smoothly ever since the third and final motherboard swap, so here's to hoping we're all set here on out.

Next piece will be a commission of Zero, so stay tuned for that!

Happy April to all of you who've decided to stick around and thanks once again for supporting my work! <3





Absolutely stunning work! 😍 And no worries about the time it's taken for the hardware issues and such...the amazing quality of work like this is definitely worth the wait!


Whatever is the cause of the delay at any time I hope that you can attend to it in full and let your artistic workflow go unhindered because it always pays off. I appreciate your works so much because they always come across as realistic and practical, which quite rare for Tifa art y'know lol.