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Winner of poll 11.

  • Based on M Da S Tarou's artworks.
  • Have 5 costumes. Two of them just simple ones, without complex editing (might update her later with better one).
  • Have 2 types of hairstyle: untied and twintails; and 2 types of skin: normal and tanned.
  • Tennis outfit I got from previous Sendai card, returned it to it's rightful owner, with slight editing here and there. The white bikini also based on said tennis outfit.
  • The vroom-vroom costume is from the anime. Leg stuffs is linked to the top with accStateSync since I also have to hide the legs with bodymask (the machinery will turn off when the top is off, but the legs will be visible at the same time). I ABMX'ed the hands, so if you turn off the gloves, you'll get lady with big hands. Just don't.
  • Missing mod? Update your modpack with kkmanager.

Here's the card.




Thank you!