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Sword Art Online 2 Episode 6:

Sword Art Online 2 Episode 7:

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Саша Одинец

From my experience with SAO haters (and I specifically gained one since I first time heard here about their existence being something way bigger than one would reasonably assume) – in majority of cases, fundamentally it comes down to substituting the thought process and analysis of situation with common templates (tropes) upon seeing first signs of ones, and then ignoring any evidences that would contradict said tropes. Like - *there’s male MC and a few girls around him -> this must be a harem -> look, we gain more and more girls in the cast -> the harem is growing*. And all YTers had to do – list said tropes one after another with bare minimum of out of context «signs» of them – and people are convinced it’s «bad». Same with public opinion as a result - *I’ve seen so many people say it’s bad -> it’s bad* - no questions asked. And all this is further fueled by fandom wars, when people just can’t accept someone preferring another story instead of their favorite. As a result, people would hate on Kirito being liked by some character, because they literally can’t see a single reason for him to be liked as a person, not behind the walls of tropes they used to build the vision of his character in their heads. All the same goes for every evil act that happens in SAO – what’s the internet’s collective conscious has to offer among the templates for such occasions? Well, «*naturally*» it’s the projection of the author’s personality and etc. and etc. - *author wrote it –> so it’s his fault entirely I felt sick watching bad thing happening -> he’s (insert any label for not being a good person about something)*. And then to explain *why* - they would reach into the templates for stuff like *oh it’s made for shock value only, oh it’s made for fanservice only, oh it’s authors sick fantasies he enjoys…* and try to project what they remember seeing onto these... On a more personal rather than analytical note… Sometimes, sometimes, I feel like Reki writes a lot about the types of characters that are equivalents to people that are bullied, or have problems of fitting into the groups or viewed «successful» «without much work» just because portion of society would only see the results, not the work… and while it speaks to a lot of people – it just triggers that opposing group of bullies and etc. I’ve seen a ton of SAO haters behaving in that same manner that mean/bully/jealous-teenagers would. That’s just how I feel it, but I would imagine that a story that constantly shows them with disapproval and puts the characters they would try to bully or just dislike irl – in their face as protagonists – this would just make them mad and lead to hate. Since the topic of indie games was brought up – I can really recommend To the Moon series – it’s short, it’s very much like SAO in aspects of exploring characters trauma through VR-like technology and raising interesting philosophical topics around it. It’s one of those games that I can easily recommend to any SAO fan that likes it for more than just animation and combat related stuff. As for people saying Reki doesn’t understand games – that’s just them either being spiteful, or having little understanding of games beyond some singular online game they play all the time.


My personal experience of SAO Hate / bad faith critique is deeply tied to my personal history with the show. SAO was the first Anime I watched while knowing what “anime” was, not just thinking of it as cartoons but as anime. And I LOVED SAO my first oc wares a long coat bc of Kirito’s Black Swordsmen look. The Oc’s Sword is very similar to Dark Repulser in shape and length. Then I found the video by Mother’s Basement and talked with people online and was convinced that SAO was awful and borderline offensive on how it wrote its female cast. And it stayed like this until a year ago when out of morbid curiosity I rewatched the first two seasons and then binged all of Alicization and WoU in a night. I was hooked again. Then I found you guys and you gave me the courage to start defending this show online. I’ve even been listening to the audiobooks as they come out. And I bought a metal display Elucidator at my local Comic con over the summer. So thanks for giving me a place to enjoy this show.