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Dragon Ball Z Episode 186:

Dragon Ball Z Episode 187:



Jack Marshal

So, I might sound a little like Freeza when I explain this, but Saiyans are monkeys they were the primitive half on planet Vegeta, the other half being the Tuffles, they had the technology (king kai already explained this but a little refresher never hurt). Back to the story, the Saiyans with tails when a full moon finally happened took over the Tuffles and stole their technology which is why they are so advanced. When the Saiyans go into their monkey form they lose control and have to train themselves to be aware in that form, think of the difference between Gohan transforming into a Great Ape and when Vegeta does it. With the Super Saiyan form it is like that but amplified, they tap into their primitive rage, but it is an overwhelming of emotion thing. Think of the times that we see them transform, with Goku it was Krillin dying, with Trunks it was Gohan dying, with Vegeta it was his desire not to die, but they all have something in common that floodgate of emotions and then giving into those emotions. The Saiyans enjoy feeling powerful, they love that power all of them show that desire to be powerful, and Super Saiyan is the manifestation of that power, so what happens when you give someone who wants power that power, they tend to lose themselves in the power they attain and can forget themselves, to become detached. Just like the Great Ape form they share, it takes time to get that rage under control and to channel and focus it, they literally enter a primitive state more or less when doing the transformations so it makes sense it would take time to train to become aware while in that form. Super Saiyan 2 is even more of a compounding of all the previous stuff, and while Goku may have trained Gohan to focus himself and become aware when getting to the first Super Saiyan transformation, this form is new so with the new heights of power and that overwhelming of emotion he doesn't have the same training and almost immediately begins to give into that more primitive state of mind and need to feel powerful. (Hope that helps and makes some sort of sense :D )

Carter Schunk

DBZ: Constantly shows blood and people getting cut in half and crazy things like that. Tat: I can't believe they didn't put a warning on this episode for throw up. The irony here makes me laugh 😂