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Sword Art Online: Fairy Dance (Audiobook Ch 15):




EDIT: I was wrong, the person below me is right, I stand by every thing else So you brought up how the demon kirito appears as in this chapter was important to show his inner conflict and stuff, and you brought up how it sounded similar to something form aincrad. That’s because it’s description is identical to the floor 74 boss, The Gleam Eyes, the very boss that kirito had to use duel-blades against, the encounter that fast tracked his relationship with asuna, that lead to his duel with Hethcliff, and clearing the game just a floor latter! It was the monster that changed the corse of his life. I believe that The Gleam Eyes is forever burned into kirito’s subconscious.

Саша Одинец

I believe, Fairy Dance in many ways mirrors the Aincrad arc, the first book. And one of those "mirrors", is what we just went through in this chapter - it starts with Kirito and Asuna (now Leafa and Kirito) noticing a huge group of people approaching. Before it was Kirito's search skill, now - Yui's. Then they find it suspicious and try to hide - first time Asuna was hid behind Kirito's cloak, now it's Kirito covered by Leafa's spell. Before, these players passed further away, all (included Kirito and Asuna) trying to find the boss. But now, in reverse, Kirito and Leafa were found, and now they are the "boss" that is of desire of said group. And the group itself is now well prepared for the task, has a good strategy at hand. But if previously, Kirito and Asuna first ran away from the boss in fear and then came back to save the group, now it's Kirito and Leafa scaring the group and being the very boss monster that kills most of them off. And I love how it is built this way, since it's not really visible at first at all, that the entirety of FD arc has Aincrad at its very foundation. As for the appearance of the demon - no, it's not the exact match to The Gleam Eyes - for example, he was blue, while Kirito is black :) Also, original one had "twisted horns stretched backward from the sides of its head. The eyes glinted with the same blue-white hue", while Kirito's had "two long, malevolent horns curved from the back. The round eyes glowed red" - thus slightly different horns and eye color :) But they are similar, and my believe is that poetically, it is a payback from the system to Kirito. As are many things in this arc. He asked "Lend me your strength just one more time" to his NerveGear, and he received it, for every injustice that he and Asuna endured since the end of Aincrad, when they rightfully were supposed to be both free. Among these, we already witnessed the saved stats of original Kirito, Yui, the teleport closer to Leafa's location and now this. Each of these points have a proper explanation of why and how this happen, but overall, they also are poetical help that he had asked for.