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Hey guys! As promised here is the DBZ OG vs DBZ Kai Polls. In the next few weeks we will be starting Z and we need your guys' input on whether we should watch OG DBZ (on Funimation) or go with DBZ Kai. 


1) When discussing this make sure you give your honest opinions. This is an open debate but not an argument. You are allowed to debate about why one is better than the other but don't overstep each other. Also give SOLID facts why one should be experienced over the other.

2) No matter who wins both series will be experienced. 

3) The higher your tier the more votes you get in polls. Here's the list of how the Tiering works.

  • Junior Tier: 1 Extra Vote
  • Senior Tier: 3 Extra Votes
  • HM List Tier: 10 Extra Votes

4) If there is anything you would like to add to the experience BEFORE we start DBZ please DM us on Discord. You can reach out to our Moderators for suggestions.

5) When debating make sure you give your reasons and personal experiences with DBZ and why either OG or Kai should be watched first since we will be making a video about your opinions.


MegaFreddy25- The former 3x Deadlock Patreon Champion who has RETURNED from Patreon locking my fucking subscription for a year

I voted for OG DBZ mainly because it's in the original animation rather than a remaster, which in my opinion makes it feel more of a continuation of Dragon Ball, especially in the first arc. Other than that I honestly don't have too many reasons to pick one over the other other than a lot of personal nostalgia for the classic version of Dragon Ball Z


I like Kia but they changed the script in certain scenes so OG all the way

Demon of Empire

I voted Kai cuz it's Faster and the Script is more Accurate and less Cringe Inducing.


In all honesty Iā€™m fine with either slightly wanting OG more, but the issue is if we are just going to skip filler anyway there is no point in watching the OG and overall Iā€™d prefer not to skip filler but itā€™s fine. But the OG can drag on in places like filler and waiting to get through it might take a while and kai has better pacing. Overall I keep going back and forth on my preference. But my only request is if we do watch OG donā€™t skip the filler since thatā€™s the main point in my mind to see the OG


DBZ OG because (if you haven't seen al lmy comments in patreon on the subject, where have you been) It is the original experience which is what we want kat to have, the OG VA's are great, there is minimal filler even if things do sometimes take a while to get through and DBZA is based on DBZ OG. Please see all my previous comments about this to know my feelings.


Voted for Kai. Because, as a whole, I think Kat will enjoy DBZ better, and cover stuff faster. PS : There is weird bug, I can't see the DBZ Abridged option.


dbz og because if you watch kai you will have more questions then answers so you better off just watching how events unfold especially if you want your questions answered you been wondering


I have vote for OG DBZ. That is the show i grew up with as a kid.. and its the true continueation of the show. With OG Z, you will learn much more the in Kai (which is only based on the major fights) without any context to it.. So my vote goes to OG DBZ all the way..


Omg I'm so happy that you did this poll! I have to vote for the original DBZ, especially if you're a new viewer. Kai just feels so chopped up to me (it literally is but the pacing just feels off to me for some reason. I understand cutting some filler episodes but even some of the cannon episodes are cut up and whittled down which bugs me a bit). I'd also really like you to experience the original english dub voice actors. Nothing against Kai a lot of people like it and that's cool but I'm hoping for the OG :). I just wish we could find it with the Bruce Faulconer sound track these days xD


This is very hard. I like both. OG because nostalgia and more meat or Kai because of better scripting and less fat. Hmmm....man, I wish we could combine the best of both worlds, (with decent pacing, voice actors fully accustomed to their roles, and more accurate scripting). I have a feeling the OG dub will win the pole, but I do hope you see some of the more pivotal scenes in Kai dub afterwards. You can find them easily on Youtube to make a bonus reaction to or just watch them on your own time.

Carter Skjerven

Unless you plan one watching the filler, there isnā€™t much of a point to watch the OG. Iā€™m fine with either one but I would prefer Kai.


I grew up with DBZ, but Kai is just the better, more consistent experience that wastes as little time as possible and offers the performances of characters at their very best, matured and experienced. Going back and watching OG Z honestly makes me cringe when I realize what better actors the core cast are after years in the roles. It's more consistent with DB as Kat knows it because it was dubbed largely AFTER Z was mostly complete. There's also the matter of Z's awkward growing pains regarding music and the dub itself. The dubbing of the first saga that's consistent with the current Funi actors was done years after to smooth over the fact that Ocean's dub was originally aired. Bruce Faulconer was no longer scoring at that point, so overall the drastic change in direction once the new hits the old is going to be distracting. In general, while I'm nostalgic for a lot of Faulconer tracks, it's by and large a bad localization that clashes with the tone of the Japanese score Kat knows from a bygone era of meddling with anime on the level of 4kids. And let's not kid ourselves, Z was absolutely lampooned for wasting time because it waited on the manga to publish. We all know the old jokes. Do we really subject Kat to this much empty space? DB is largely succinct comparatively, and yet skipping its few filler episodes is hugely satisfying. We really want to pull the drag-chute even harder? Lastly, while I already listed performances, this deserves its own callout: Linda Young should be NOBODY'S first experience of the character Chris Ayres would ultimately master. If OGZ has a true failing in characterization, it's here, with someone so important, chilling and charismatic being localized in such a brash, unsubtle way. Kai's superior scripting combined with a better performer more in line with Toriyama's original intent is my deciding factor when it comes to the dubs. Before this, I thought very little of this character until I got to see them portrayed as intended. It truly elevates that entire saga to something so much greater. I beg you, Z should be seen for its best moments, but Kai should be the distilled experience presented to newcomers. Do not let nostalgia blind you.


I voted for DBZ OG not just because its the one i grew up with and enjoy the most, but also because i truly think its the better choice for someone new to dragon ball. You also seem to enjoy pretty much every episode so far, so i don't think the longer story and filler episodes will be a problem.

MD Simmons

I have very little to add that hasn't been said already. I just highly recommend experiencing OG DBZ in its entirety. Kai isn't bad at all, but it's like a BLT without the bread. At that point it's just a dry salad, you know? It's like a single Watermelon vs Grapes. You can either get the whole thing, or tiny pieces that could only slightly satisfy your hunger.


I recommend Kia because they changed the voice for one of the major villains and it carries into super. That is all. I havenā€™t actually watched most of Z anyway so it ultimately doesnā€™t matter to me.


In my opinion, Kai for first 2 arc, and OG for the rest on. First 2 arc is better in Kai than in OG tbh, much better voice acting (Chris Ayres) and better lines. It would feel weird when you transition into Super as well because of the change in dub quality. If you are a newcomer, I highly recommend Kai first as it transitions well into Dragon Ball Super because the cast are around the same level of experience when dubbing Kai and Super. As someone who grew up with OG dub, I do prefer Kaiā€™s pacing a lot more as well as refined voice actings. The original cast themselves also admitted that they did much better with their voice acting performance in Kai than in OG and it shows. If you are looking for a more loyal approach to the source material, go to Kai. If you are trying to feel what those in the 90ā€™s felt when watching Dragon Ball Z, go with OG. You can also go with the subbed version if you want a loyal adaptation AND 90ā€™s feel.

Stefan suchy

I was and am for OG Dragonball Z. That's how we all saw it in the past and that's how it should be done. At least I think so.

The Goat

The voice acting in Kai is so much better. 100x better, not even a contest. Alot of peopleā€™s nostalgia goggles are getting blurry. Kai has updated and better scripts, much closer to the original Japanese dub. The japanese scores(tracks) are stellar. Tracks that are in the og Japanese dub but not in funi dbz. Letā€™s be honest guys the funi dub is good but not better than kai. Kai came out 10 years after the original dub and the voice actors there are seasoned Vets. Everything feels more natural and not *cringy. This is how dbz was MEANT to be. Even the cast for dbz agrees that they enjoy their performances in kai over z. The original had alot of flaws and I just think if youā€™re a first time watcher, youā€™d want to go with the better product. Which is kai. The original is super long and lots of unneeded filler. Kai is the cut that dbz was meant to be and watched by. Even the creator Akria toriyama approves of kai!!

The Goat

Kai is the better overall experience if you want a good continuation of the series. Itā€™s the superior dub, just a fact. At the end of the day itā€™s your choice. Dbz is best to watch on your own time but if you actually want to get more immersed with the show and feel genuine emotion and feels, then you have to go with Kai. Otherwise youā€™ll have to watch the dated version and relive the cringefest Iā€™d wish on no newcomer lol! The almighty ~Chris Aryes~ is reason enough to watch kai over the og dub And if youā€™re still not sold on kai: https://youtu.be/l8D5tJQ2ZKI

The Goat

Thankyou exactly my sentiments. I feel people want her to watch the og dub because thatā€™s what they grew up with. But is that fair? Anyone whoā€™s seen both and not blinded by nostalgia will tell you the superior dub is kai. Not saying that the og is bad, it just doesnā€™t compete with the updated lines and crisp dialogue of kai!!! Maybe she can watch the first 2 arcs in kai and continue the rest in og dbz??!

The Goat

Thatā€™s disrespectful to kai. Dbz went against authorā€™s intent. If anything kai is more canon. Plus Iā€™d rather listen to a seasoned cast of experienced voice actors then fledgling newcomers in the studio.


I really enjoyed the ocean dub in earlier episodes. I remember watching it until around the end of the Ginyu saga when I was younger :)


I come back every now and then to see what people have been saying. I really am conflicted over which one to watch. I really like both for many similar and differing reasons and I have to agree with many of the points people have been bringing up in regards to Kai. One especially being that the voice actors have been playing these characters for years and are more connected to the roles and like I and others have stated before the faithfulness they keep to the likeness of the characters in the manga is far more to my liking than the nostalgia factor of OG Z. Also as others have said Chris Aryes performance as a major villain is beyond perfection. One thing to keep in mind however, is accessibility for both Kat and Tat as well as those viewing at home. DBKai doesn't have any LEGAL streams and the different versions that have been released in all their various forms can have differing audio and musical scores so what Kat and Tat may be reacting to and what we at home may end up watching along with could be different (but only slightly) versions of the show. I recommend the Blu-rays which contain the uncut versions of the show. ALSO keep this same fact in mind when it comes to DBZ OG. Look at all the differing versions that are available and what version that Kat and Tat may watch may not be what everyone else is readily capable of viewing as well. It's also worse for Z as there are SO many different versions out there. I believe I'm revising my vote back to Kai. I love Z and I love Kai. I just think that, while I love the nostalgia of the original show, Kai is just a better version of the show. It's better not for it's conciseness with how quickly it goes from plot point A to B avoiding filler but, because of how faithful it is to the original story and how more experienced the voice actors are with their roles. This applies especially to the leads Sean Schemmel and Chris Sabat. Sean as the voice of Goku is soooo much more in tune with the character after all the time he's spent voicing it for the show, movies and games. Chris's talent has also grown far greater over the years as well and his connection to each of his main characters has evolved, especially "you fans know who". In the original dub for a "certain character" his voice was more or less emulating the actor he replaced from the Ocean dub, the remaster dub he puts his own spin on it, by Kai he's mastered the character. Anyway, it's clear looking at the poll now that this may seem like a futile effort for those who support Kai. I just hope that even if on their own time, Kat and Tat at least give the show a look. It's worth that much to be sure.


Voted for of dbz cause Kai removes cursing, and replaces blood and stuff with spit and scratch marks, nothing against Kai though

Demon of Empire

Actually DBZ is the one that doesn't have cursing. With Kai it depends on what channel it's on. If you're watching it on Nickelodeon I can see ur point.


It is important to note that the version of Kai we first saw was censored for children's network (thought Nicktoons was surprisingly respectful with it). When it aired on Adult Swim, it had all the cursing intact with a little more blood (the blood thing can't be helped though since the standard of Japanese children's television has changed).


Oh wow thanks I actually had no idea, then I guess Iā€™m kinda stuck because Kai looks better visually and has better pacing but og has better dialogue sometimes and I get a bit nastolgic. Idk who to vote if Kai actually retains blood and cursing

The Goat

Yea kai has an uncensored version. Iā€™ve seen it countless times, plenty of blood and cussing. But I believe kai is superior up until the android arc. Kai is leagues above og dbz during first 2 arcs!!

The Goat

I second this lol. Sub for super over dub imo. They kinda botched it that time around!


I have Voted for OG DBZ.. First of all, that is THE show i grew up with as a kid. and its very dear to me.. and till this day (36 Years old) im still a big fan.. When it comes to KAI or OG.. In OG DBZ you learn alot more about the characters and the story is very good.. With DBZ Kai they focus more on the fights it self, without the context of WHO, WHY and WHAT they are fighting... Its true in one Saga a 5 minute fights spands serveral episodes. but thats okay.. it is a pretty good fight.. SOO OG DBZ all the way for me.