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Naruto Shippuden Episode 5:

Naruto Shippuden Episode 6:




Here is my stance on the great Sakura debate: To me it is clear from the beginning that to her being a ninja was a career move, a way to make the daily income. She didn’t seem interested because of the simple fact that she wasn’t interested; I don’t think it had anything to do with a Sasuke or lack thereof(even if the dialogue has too many jokes about it). Unlike the others who had either motivations or family obligations(and family training) she was there because she knew how to do her job adequately. Some teachers have a passion, others have a knack for it and need it to get by. (like that guy from the recent pixar movie) Winry was a mechanic because it was her passion in life so of course she is going to better her craft as much as she can because she genuinely cares about what she is doing. Applying yourself to something you are not passionate about is really hard for some people. (again like the pixar guy)(soul is a really good movie the more I think about it) As someone who struggles with anxiety that is pretty much a constant in my life. (I wonder if Sakura has similar problems?) Anyway, Sakura on the other hand is passionate about connecting with people, and that is where she dedicates her time and development towards. She spends time reevaluating Lee and Naruto because she realizes she misjudged them and feels guilty because it is something she cares about. You don’t need fighting to convey that. Being a medic is somewhere she can practically apply her passions. Then she dedicated herself to fighting, which she doesn't like, because she had a more clear goal in mind beyond abstractly getting stronger(which is fine for guys like rock lee or Naruto). At least that is how I see it. Sidenote: I kind of wish she dated Lee during the time skip. Not as a serious relationship but just as a giving him a chance sort of thing but then they would agree to just be friends in the end. I think that would have been a nice thing for both their characters.


I like to compare Temari and Shikamaru to the king and the queen. The queen is the most tactically important piece of the board, it can do the most moves and as a result has the most options at its disposal. (remember when shikamaru was stumped and Temari pulled out her weasel summon). The king however despite having the fewest moves is the most strategically important piece on the board, if you capture the king you win the game so you focus all the long term strategy around defending it.


The extra little scenes are all after the "Next Time" previews. Deidara("DAY-dah-rah" seems to be the proper Japanese pronunciation, though "day-DAR-ruh/rah" is also commonly used around the series) definitely didn't plan to get his arm ripped off, but he made the best of it once it got caught and he couldn't get free. Crafty, even if he was a little less concerned for the loss than you might expect. His age is never specified in the series, but the accompanying materials put him at 18 or 19 here. These materials are however notorious for being mostly accurate and occasionally claiming things as fact that just can't be true based on the story's own logic. Since they're the only source for his age, take that with a grain of salt.


Gaara: Kazekage Edition...with new deluxe features including "Lessons From Naruto", "Pure-Hearted Goals", and "Inspirational Personal Growth"! It can all be yours for a one-time payment of an arm and a leg, but for a limited time only the first customer in the door gets 50% off. Seriously though, Gaara's growth is spectacular and I heart him.


With added sand for more fun (not recommended for Skywalkers)


This will be the last time I speak about this as I feel that we are getting a little misunderstood when I try to explain something in the comments but you take a different meaning after you read it. (Maybe we need to have an actual live debate on subjects like this some day so we don't get the wrong message. Show ideas?) I never said she got inspired by Sasuke being hurt but rather him leaving. (Also never said it was bad that people going into professions like being a doctor after seeing someone hurt is a bad thing either. Stop making me the villain here Kat haha.) You missed the episodes where she decided on becoming a medical ninja and without spoiling anything she finally looked within herself to see what she wanted out of her life. It is a good episode for her growth and I suggest you watch it. As Jades fire said, Ninja was just a career move initially. Medical ninjustsu was the passion. P.S. Thank you Tat for making her read more than one sentence at a time. Not only did it take less time but you didn't get angrier and angrier at each sentence like last time haha.


Kat: That's a f*$ken moon! Me: That's no moon, that's a sand-station


We shall forever know him as Shikamoo-moo


When it comes to Sakura with me I will admit I did not like her and even when I finished shippuden. I felt like she was not the best character in fact I thought she was the worst but since I rewatched it I noticed subtle things that showed both growth and depth I believe Sakura being bought up with civilian parents could be in part why this occurred. But I do agree with every point you said then there is Ino’s family they run the flower shop but her father is a Shinobi and runs around with choji’s dad and shikamaru’s dad. I do think that Sakura is the most human in terms of emotions and her ideals and mostly shielded from the world of strife in Naruto. I believe she wanted to become a shinobi to prove something to her parents and herself and that sasuke came after and I think the reason why she did so well in school was to be acknowledged by the teachers and eventually sasuke in my book that isn’t a bad thing. I think her ability to self evaluate shouldn’t me undermined in any way it is difficult for naruto to do the same. I don’t think Naruto even self evaluated til he got almost put into a coma by Sasuke.


Now I know the truth....... ten ten is the worst goodness me they really skipped her character a lot


Well Sakura, went from a useless and crybaby in Naruto (yes i know she was young and naive) to a young baddass teen femele ninja, in Naruto she was not even in my top 10.. and now. She is.