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SAO War of Underworld Episode 38:

SAO War of Underworld Episode 39:



Chad Shipman

One of my favorite parts of the show! Also the part with Bercouli and Fanatio is implying that Fanatio is pregnant with Bercouli's child, at least is what I'm pretty sure of. Can't wait for next Sunday to see the next episodes!


Relating to Bercouli and Alice, I think why Alice called Bercouli "Uncle" is explained in the mobile game, SAO Alicization: Rising Steel. If I remember correctly it was from when Alice was a sister-in-training in the central cathedral, before the synthesis ritual. Somehow calling him Uncle stuck with her even after getting her memories erased. On that note, Bercouli was telling Fanatio to look after their child because she is pregnant with his child. It was hinted that she had feelings for him during her fight with Kirito and also in OP1 of War of Underworld. Fanatio was in a bed and Bercouli's Time Spliting Sword was hanging on the wall behind her. The OP's have a lot of small details like this, too many to list. If you want to know them all, there is plenty of videos breaking down all the details. Personally id recommend it, i think it gives the OP's more depth. Seeing Bercouli going all out was insane. Really puts it into perspective that Eugeo, let alone a literal god cant beat him if he is serious. Definitely my favourite fight scene of the series. Episode 40 has a very short after credit scene. I am curious to see if you can realise what it means. Just a warning that this next part might be a bit long, I will try to keep it as short as i can. Please bare in mind that SAO is my favourite Anime but i do have to agree with SOME of the criticism. The Aincrad Arc had awful pacing, skipping two months between the 1st episode and the 2nd. Then it time skips multiple times after that but this time by a even larger margin. When people say this it just make it sound like they want more SAO and are disappointed that their favourite part is so short. If the pacing is their problem, go read progessive. Reki wanted to have the relationship of Asuna and Kirito to be the main part of the story and to fit that in 14 episodes of the Aincrad arc would be impossible with out cutting out a lot of content I can understand why people think that Asuna and Kirito's relationship when you consider that it was episode 5 that the spent any proper time with each other on screen and by episode 10 the are planning on getting married. Just because they only have a few episodes together before this doesn't mean they didn't spend time together. 7 months passed between episode 5 and 10, a lot can happen in that time especially considering their situation at that time. I dont want to get to into the fairy dance arc and to be honest apart from THAT scene and the situation between Suguha and Kirito being strange i didnt have any problems with it. The whole Suguha loving her cousin thing is strange but its a cultur difference so I can get over it. GGO hasn't really got any down sides in my opinion, apart from maybe the death gun fight being a bit anticlimactic. It was a good fight but just seemed a bit short. The way it handled PTSD is really well done. Excalibur... wow where to start... i have to admit, I find this part so boring. i know its got world building and explains sword skills being in ALO now but i just wanted to fall asleep. Mothers Rosario on the other hand go's above and beyond. By far my favourite part of SAO before Alicization. This is the Arc that made SAO my favourite anime of all time despite its criticisms. No other show has made me cry, let alone time and time again, no matter how many times i watch it. I think its a masterpiece and to get those emotions out of some one that quickly, every time. despite knowing what happens is really good writing. And finally Alicization... If you are a SAO hater after watching this i don't know what to say. I think a lot of people who "hate" SAO need to watch at least the first 24 episodes of this. And if they do watch it, at least make judgement for your self, not just to "save face" for your elitist friends who hate something they haven't seen because some one said it was bad. And overall, i have heard peole say SAO1+2 has bad animation. those people need to remember that it came out in 2012. TLDR: Aincrad was rushed but for good reason Fairy Dance was good except one part, grow up GGO was really well done Excalibur... please go away Mother's Rosario best so far Alicization best over all


As chris mentioned last week, the games are in an alternate universe. This is made pretty obvious in Hallow Realization, since it is set in aincrad, where they defeated Heathclif on the 75th floor, but the game didnt end. Also from the complatins people had in Chris' comment, sounds like they dropped the show after the second episode. And did not understand the Beater scene. Since we have been talking about people who love to hate on this show on youtube. One of the people Chris mentioned was Mother's Basement, who depite that ranked the Bercolli vs Vecta fight as one of the best fights of the year. To Le Tomato, i kinda liked the Excalibur arc, but mostly just because it was a nice break of them actually PLAYING THEIR GAME. But pretty much the rest of what you say i agree completely with. And honestly people who say SAO has bad animation, again, must have dropped the show after episode 2. Because to this day a lot of the Kobold Lord fight still is painful to watch. Yeah Kat i dont really have anything to add to your defense of SAO, seems you got this covered.


That’s fair, I think I’m just extra critical of Excalibur because it seemed like filler and in my opinion they could have used that time to develop Mother’s Rosario even more


There are a few things that Reki wrote back in the day that he regrets doing (cue the mention of chapter 16.5) one of those things is the way that the fairy dance arc went. It was originally supposed to be a prologue of sorts, but he continued writing and it ended up being its own arc. There was an interview after episode 10 of Alicization aired where he apologized for having so much sexual assault in the series. He said that at the time he was writing, many of the authors he looked up to were adding that to their stories which made him want to add it to his own. Of course, he said that he has grown past that and that he doesn’t use sexual assault like he used to. It wasn't him justifying why he did it (As many haters would want you to believe) as much as explaining why he did. As a quick update, there will apparently be two SAO events in March. One will be from March 6-7 (In japan) and the other one is the Progressive event and will be on March 27. So this might be random, but in Accel World the devise they use is called a Neuro Linker and if you look at what Elon Musk has been working on (Neuro Link)…I’m not saying Reki called it, but Reki definitely called it. Also, I don’t know if you know the time period in which Accel World take place, but if you don’t, it happens around 2046 (More or less 20 years after SAO). That’s really what makes things that much interesting, especially later on in the novels. Anyway, I won’t be saying much about the adaptation of this second half until you get past a certain point, but just as a heads up, it might be a bit of a rant (I think I’ve annoyed enough people about this topic enough but still). Speaking about the video you will be working on, I definitely think it’s a good idea. Although I’ve seen many people try, many of these people are very small youtubers (Around 100-ish subscribers) who’ve I’ve interacted with here and there on twitter as well (If it wasn’t for the anime information that appears very quickly there I wouldn’t be on that site). This means that they don’t get as far as a reach as you probably can. As for criticism, a lot can just be watered down to pacing. As SAO was the first novel Reki ever wrote, his skill in that department was lacking (IDK if you read my comment the day that you didn’t have your phone but I went a little more in depth there) so adding this along to the page limit he had to meet, it was virtually impossible for Aincrad to work. Everything apart from that had the issue with its secondary characters not getting as much development as they could’ve (Reki is much better at handling that type of thing now). This is mainly because SAO is mostly written in First Person through Kirito’s perspective. There is a few exceptions like the Lizbeth and Silica stories or when it turns to Eugeo or Suguha’s point of view (In third person though). I can’t get too much into Alicization without getting into spoilers, but many of my issues there were the same, pacing, and secondary characters not getting as much development as they could’ve. A big complaint I have about how Reki writes is the info dumps. One thing that is always present in all three of his novels series is a scene where two or more characters are sitting around drinking tea (Or some other food/drink) while they discuss things minutes on end with nothing else going on. I wouldn't mind it if it was once or twice, but he does it a lot of times. And if it's not sitting around drinking tea, it's them standing around simply talking. Although Reki did recently mention that he never noticed how many of his scenes had characters doing nothing but standing still and talking until he saw the anime version (Probably one of the many in Alicization) and that he realizes he had a bad habit of info dumping (1/3 of Vol 10, about 70-ish pages, is nothing but characters standing around talking). I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff but I feel like those are biggest overall problems. I personally have been wanting to make a video analyzing Kirito’s character from the novels to show how good of a character he really is. I’m still planning it out, but I will need to re-read all the novels which will take a lot of time. His character is one that I don’t think is very well portrayed in the anime so I want to bring more attention to the way that he was originally written. Granted I don’t have much of a platform (Or any to be exact), but I want to put out regardless. Speaking of the light novels, there a collector’s edition of the novels that compiles all the English novels, except for the Unital Ring arc, (1-20) into two giant books which are actually pretty heavy. It was originally $200 but on amazon they sell for like $150. The text is pretty small, but the box art and covers for the books are great. And yes, I bought it the moment it released (My wallet wasn’t too happy about that) IDK if you noticed but on episode 6 of season 1 there are three members of Laughing coffin that appear. They are Red Eyed XaXa (Death gun), Johnny Black (The guy who put Kirito in a coma), and Poh (They guy that they are fighting right now). So basically they showed off all the members who will become villains at some point or the other (They even focused a bit on XaXa’s skull mask and red eyes). A part they cut from the novel had XaXa telling Kirito that something like he one day will be the one chasing after him on a horse (Since Kirito came in on a horse), cut to Phantom bullet and that’s exactly what he did. It’s a small detail but it’s kind of nice. Since you wanted to see more of what haters say, here it is. I’ll put only one since this comment is already really long (And this quote is very long as well). This one I found interesting, and for context, someone told them that they shouldn’t say things are objective in fiction since that would invalidate their opinion (They said that SAO was objectively bad): “No sorry buddy boy but it is objectively poorly written mary sue garbage. Going YoUr OplnloN iS InVaLiDaTeD means fuck all and shows you're just a childish fanboy with poor taste. It being popular also doesn't mean jack shit given twilight and fifty shades of grey are also insanely popular but also regarded as poorly written trash. Funnily enough all three of those are about mary sue mc's living out their fantasies its almost like insecure losers with not much going on love to have series where they can self insert easily. Funny the author seems to have the same insecurities when he got so pissy that people liked Asuna more then his milque toast mary sue insert that he had her locked in a cage and raped twice in the second part, only to sideline her in gun gale and gender swap himse- sorry Kirito because he thought the only reason people liked Asuna was because she was a girl.” (I really don’t know what they were going on about in that last paragraph. I’m sure they didn’t know that SAO was written a long time before it was popular so there was no large fanbase for Asuna or any of the characters for him to be “pissy” about.) As MasterAries7 said, Mother’s Basement did call Bercoulli’s fight one of the best of the year, the problem is that he proceeded to hate on the rest of the series right after that (Just in case you try to watch it, it has spoiler for the rest of the season). Another thing, if you ever want to see a place flooded with SAO hate, simply go to one of their SAO videos and go to the comments section. That is definitely something else. Now I know this is completely out of context, but I remember seeing a lot of people confused about it. When you watch episode 41 keep in mind that although it looks a lot like him, it is not him. I know you have no idea what I’m talking about and you probably would’ve figured it out without me saying anything, but I just wanted to make sure you didn’t get confused (Or I might have made it worse). I don’t know why the studio decided to design that character the way they did, but it did lead to some confusion. Now for the fun fact: Last year in Japan, Sword Art Online won Light Novel of the decade and was introduced to the Light Novel hall of fame which at the time only had one other Light Novel (My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected). It was added among other three so now there are currently only four light novel series in the hall of fame. The reason it got into this list was because the series earned so many awards that it basically had to be removed to give other novels a chance (Basically it can’t earn any more awards). This really shows how in Japan the series doesn’t get as much hate as it gets here since it’s the English youtubers fault that it happened. (This comment felt like an incoherent mess to write)


Sao was one of the first animes i watched, so i went into it not expecting anything but after just a few episodes i realized it was awesome. i have watched it a few times now but it just breaks me everytime i watch it. each Season has its own moment that breaks me but since yuuki arc it breaks me so many times per season. nothing has mad me so emotional and cry as much as this anime. i also recomend RE:Zero as an anime to watch as i feel that is the ony other anime wich has made fell anything kinda like SAO. the worst is that i have noone to talk to about any anime since my friends dont like anime and say its childish and bad just because it is drawn, i dont understand these arguments since i have never senn as much blood any other place than in animes like SAO:A attack on titan and goblin slayer.


I don't get the hate for this show....Im not a fan of some popular animes out there but I don't hate them. Not everyone likes the same things. SOA is one of my favorite, maybe even my favorite shows from Japan. I didn't like Demon Slayer , but that doesn't make it bad. That series is incredibly popular. If you don't like SOA that's fine. Don't watch it, but don't give the fans of it shit because we like show.