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One Piece Episode 83:

One Piece Episode 84:

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First again YEAH!!. I gotta say the scenes where Kureha chases Luffy & Sanji around the castle just cracks me up every time. Kureha is such an awesome old ha..(OUCH dammit WHY GOD WHY ). Kureha is such an awesome woman in her youthful 130's, what is her secret? I also cringe every time i watch the climbing scene where Luffy rips up his hands and feet. (shudder!!) #Still pronounced Geeks For The Win


Ok now for some helpful facts. (Thats right, i'm coming for you Silent Eric). Number of total canon devil fruits in the WHOLE series to date: 133 (jumps to 185 when including non-canon, etc). The next opening won't start until episode 116. (The current opening: Believe, has the 2nd longest run with 68 episodes.) A fan asked Oda why Luffy was given stretching powers (something Luffy has had in all his incarnations.) Odas answer is because stretching powers are funny, so no matter how serious the series gets there is always a bit of fun. (Plus i GeeksFTW, personally think stretching powers are awesome.)


I have a feeling that Kat will like tony a lot. You know after she is done with the intense crying.


Hey! Its time for two of my favorite episodes in One Piece! But before that, its time for the Fun Fact of the We- what? GYAAAHH!!! Geeks FTW started the Fun Facts of the Week already? Damn you, GFTW, damn you! How am I going to start the Fun Facts now? Oh, wait, it just started. Starting from the tenth volume of One Piece, people started writing in and instead of asking a question, they would just write, "START THE SBS" or hide that in their letter. Oda would often include one of those segment hijacking letters to start off the SBS. It's been a recurring joke in his letters bag section for years now. BUT WAIT! That wasn't the fun fact I came here with! Here is your actual Fun Fact of the Week! Q: Oda-sensei!! I've been wondering for a while... What are Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji's birthdays? Tell us!! O: I've gotten a lot of these questions, so I'll answer it now. Luffy → May 5 Zoro → November 11 Nami → July 3 Usopp → April 1 Sanji → March 2 Happy birthday! Was that too lazy of me?! Everyone who thinks so, raise your hand. Whoa, that's about a million. But that's what they are, now. Don't give me any crap for it. Yell at their parents. So you may be wondering why those dates for those characters! Because they are jokes! Luffy's is 5/5, or in Japanese, Go/Go. Like gomu gomu! Zoro's is 11/11. Zorome is a japanese word for a repeating number. Na is short for nanatsu meaning seven, Mi is short for mittsu meaning 3. So Nami is born on 7/3. Usopp's is easy to understand. April Fools day. And Sanji's also simple, San is three, and Ji is second based on how you can read kanji. So 3/2. Oda really loves little puns like this. And in case you were wondering, in the very next volume, a listener suggests that Chopper's birthday be December 24th, and Oda says; "YES, PERFECT! BWAHAHAHA, I LOVE IT!! That is Chopper's birthday!! Any complaints?! I'm not listeniiiiiing!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!" and that started an ongoing trend of people either asking for character's birthdays, or coming up with joke birthdays of their own, which Oda would of course immediately approve and make canon. But that is enough Fun Facts, it's time for sad backstories starring Chopper! Make sure you have some tissues on hand everyone, and until next week!


Gonna need way more than tissues. I suggest security blankets and your favorite stuffed animal for comfort. (mine is Ripley, an adorable purple shark that DEVOURS nightmares) And remember Kat, we are with you in spirit. #Geeks4life #Nakama


yeah looks like Usopps got a contender for the top spot.


im late again lol, yes i cant remember the artist of my pfp but it is vol 7 weiss, before i talk about these episodes, i think you do the sub version of OP right? well im just gonna say that for the dub luffys VA is the same as erzas from fairy tail which is pretty cool tbh, ding ding they have huge bunny allies thanks to luffy saving that babies parent bunny or whatever i loved that, this whole climb luffy did was great to me because his love for his friends i just enjoy so much. choppers adorable, when i mentioned another character having a transformation fruit i had meant chopper so i didnt spoil it for you, sad backstory as well ;-;, thats all i got lol