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My Hero Academia Chapters 253-255:

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Jacob Klemann

So before I talk about these chapters you just read I'll give a real quick rundown of the Dabi being Touya clues up until this point in the story since you asked about it in the beggining. Dabi joined because of Stains ideals on fake heroes. when he introduces himself as Dabi, Shigaraki asks for his real name to which Dabi says he will tell him his real name when the time is right, which implies his real name holds significance, He has blue eyes like endeavour and shotos eye from his fire side, He makes it a point to call out Shoto by his full name at the training camp as if hes almost teasing him, He also later calls endeavour by his full name when they clash after the High End attack, When the heroes raid the villains to save Bakugo they make it a point to call everyone out by their real names except for Dabi and funny enough Kurogiri as well which you just found out why from this batch of chapters. that means the cops had no info on who he really is, Also at Kamino Endeavour is outside so never gets a good look at Dabi and then when he encounters Dabi after the nomu fight they make it a point to say Endeavours vision is blurry so he also doesnt get a good look at him either. last piece of evidence up until this point is that when Shoto has a flashback to Endeavour training him as a kid, Endeavour makes a remark that Touya was soo close because his firepower was supposedly stronger than his own, but that he inherited his mothers "weak constitution". In the MVA arc when Dabi is fighting Geten from the MLA, Geten makes a remark on how Dabis body gets damaged by his own quirk which is why all his skin is stapled on. Anyways moving onto these chapters, The backstory for Aizawa and Shirakumo is actually in the spinoff manga Vigilantes. Vigilantes is canon to the series and while its is written and drawn by a different person it does get overseen by Horikoshi so they planned ahead and got Aizawas story in there so that if you were also reading Vigilantes then these set of chapters had even more of an impact. Vigilantes is on the Shonen Jump app if you ever wanna read it, If you just wanna read the Aizawa flashback chapters you can read chapter 59 - 65. Wow that was a lot longer than I thought because of the amount of Dabi hints lol.


Just an FYI the full story of Aizawa's past was a story arc in the manga series "My Hero Academia Vigilantes" While I think its no where near as good as the main line manga due to it lacking Horikoshi's writing and art it is considered cannon to the MHA world. Also I noticed that you wondered why the heroes don't kill All For One but I think the question you should ask your self is does it mater at this point?