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We will be continuing The Dragon Prince as soon as Book 4 comes out! In the meantime be sure to VOTE in the Cartoon Reaction Poll for our next Cartoon Reaction Series.


The Dragon Prince Book 3 Chapter 7:

The Dragon Prince Book 3 Chapter 8:

The Dragon Prince Book 3 Chapter 9:

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Kyle Kowalchuk

Kasif has been in the end credits twice. Both are based on his father's comment on his son not eating his vegetables. One before the change and now after the change. As for how Viren was revived, you can see that Claudia must have preformed a large Dark Magic Spell, also you can see a boot sticking out in the background of the scene. I think Claudia's story will be integral to the Primal vs Dark Magic part of the plot. I still think she is redeemable at this point, but she will have a Major tipping point in the following seasons. This event will be when she learns of all the lies and evil Viren has done (maybe some thing more happen between Viren and her mom). Once she learns the truth of Viren, she will start to really make her own decisions and that will determine if she can be redeemed. It is speculated that she kill them to power the spell. As for Viren and his elf coin collection, it is heavily hinted that he also put Rayla's parents into coins. If he did, then that would explain why they were declared cowards as their bodies were never found. Why no one else tried the history viewing moon magic to see what happen we may never know. Speaking of minor issues, How did King Harrow miss seeing Viren taking the egg and Mirror back with him after "Destroying the Egg". Based on Season 1 interactions with Viren and Harrow, Harrow does not know that Viren has the Egg and thinks it was destroyed.

Kyle Kowalchuk

Matt's beard is sparkly! As for more Dragon Prince content, There is one book currently out which is just Book one Moon (Book two is coming out soon) in novel format. It goes in to more detail for some events and is a good read. However they just release a graphic novel Through the Moon which takes place after book three, and covers Phoe-Phoe's return and Rayla's need to verify Viren death.


Two details I love: 1. there is a lot of symmetry between Amaya and Jania (generals, sisters of dead queens, etc.). 2. When you look back at the scene where Viren is intimidating Runaan he shows at least two coins to Runaan and Runaan looks pretty shocked. At first you think it is just the coins but if those coins had the faces of his close friend (who he thought were deserters mind you) then that shock taken on a new meaning.


Also, when viren did his butterfly thing I was like: Substitution Jutsu!


One of my favorite things from the final battle was how the "weak links" used the broken link symbol Viren gave them and turned it into their battle standard. Talk about being passive aggressive. :D