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⭐RWBY Volume 6 Soundtrack - Nevermore:

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This comment will probably get lost and forgotten, but I'd love to be on the podcast to discuss Blake at some point. She's become one of my favorites to write in fic and roleplay. I go off canon, but even in canon, people REALLY miss those details. This song is SO GOOD. It's one of my favorite jams for this particular soundtrack. So much fun to sing along with. Interesting you brought up the drums because that's Adam's leitmotif. The connection in Blake's part is obviously how they're intertwined. "She was blinded by youth": yeeeeeeeeah she was a MAXIMUM of thirteen when she met him. We don't know his exact age but that is still MEGA creepy. Based on the context of the when she talks to Sun, saying that the leadership changed "five years ago." There was *so* clearly *some* form of grooming going on there. I'm looking forward to the next track SO much though. (As if my writing half a dozen articles on it at this point doesn't reveal that lol)