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My Hero Academia Chapters 210-213

* Reminder to Academy Senior Tier and up to send in your Reaction Requests!

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Jacob Klemann

Woohoo you finally got to this moment! So something you might find interesting is Chapter 213 is probably the most controversial chapter of the series within the community. A good portion of the fanbase did not like the revelation of Deku getting multiple quirks. Was curious to see how you would take it, but I'm glad it got you excited. Also love how emotional these chapters made you because it makes me even more excited to see how you react to later content. Since you're nearing what I had laid out for you I'll type up another little guidline for the next arc when I get time later.

Jacob Klemann

OK so now with your next video you will be caught up with what I layed out for you in my original guideline. Last list I made you I broke down things quite a bit, but since I don't wanna spoil anything for the upcoming arc I'm just gonna mainly put what chapters should be read together. Will keep it 2 to 4 chapters to keep in line with how you've been doing it so far. 217-219 220-223 224-226 227-230 231-234 235-237 238-240 And those will cover the entirety of the next arc for you. Once you near the end of this arc, I will once again make a quick guidline for you if thats cool. As always if you feel like switching it up as you're reading through That's completely fine. I just went through the arc and bunched together the chapters that felt they were tied together the most. Hope this helps again!