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Today there will be a very important update video uploading onto the channel. Just a heads up this DOES NOT IMPACT PATREON AT ALL. You guys will be getting even more content per week/month due to the changes happening on the channel. 

Once a month you will also be getting several extra episodes. The series that will be getting extra episodes this month is Demon Slayer. We have TONS of series to cover in 2020 and to sprinkle in some extras for you guys, every month we will be adding in extra episodes for everyone. 

Patron Day will also be starting soon so if you have any ideas like karaoke, movies, etc. we will be happy to take your requests. Be sure to CONNECT YOUR DISCORD TO YOUR PATREON to take part in these Patron-Only Events. Gaming Day will start on Sundays soon too once we all get settled to the changes. 

We just wanted to clarify that for you guys! And if you have any questions feel free to ask. DM The Mouse Potato#9436 on Discord for more information or if you have any requests! Thanks guys!


