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This show KNOWS where to hit you in the feels. It's honestly a cartoon that brings up some extremely important topics. More cartoons need to be like this.

Your thoughts?


Steven Universe Episode 6 (Ealy Access).mp4



Glad you like Lars (the guy at the donut shop) cuz he doesn't go away lol


I also love how self aware amethyst is Pearl: And never listen to Amethyst Amethyst : That's fair.


Love SU. I try to recommend it to people and some are turned off by how overly cute and sort of childish it is at it's beginning. I always tell them to stick with it, the show grows on you and it sort of figures out it's audience better later on and it's FULL of good advice and lessons for stuff that some parents may not always have the words for or that kids/teens/heckevenyoungadults wouldn't seek out advice for in the first place. Also I love how the town and it's citizens are basically a character in of itself and have their own story going on along with the show the whole time. Love Lars and Sadie and also the Mailman.


Ahh yes, "Cat Fingers". The body horror episode that nobody talks about becuz we dont want to.


I dare not remember the dreaded Fingers of The Cat episode. :0


Beware the cute and cuddly cat fingers. They’re so cute, they’re deadly. Bum! Bum! Bum!


Personally, I love SU. 5 seasons + 1 movie + 1 new recent season. It really picks around at either episode 26 or episode 37. Whichever episode hooks you first and makes you want to watch and see how far the series goes.