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October's Q&A! Thank you so much for your questions. ^-^

Questions in this month's Q&A:

1. If you had to marry another VA based on their audios, who would you pick?
2. If you could pick one new language to be fluent in what would it be and why?
3. What is your dream home like?
4. If you had a time machine and could travel to any time in the past, what era would travel to?
5. If you had a time machine, what time period would you go to first?
6. Do you like dressing up for Halloween/did you when you were younger? If so did you have any fun costumes?
7. What the best solution for when you feel icky?
8. What are some of your pet peeves? In life in general, in audio work, whatevs :)
9. What's your comfort song/album?
10. Would you rather only be able to communicate via clucks, or have a rooster that sits on your shoulder at all times and wakes you up in the morning?
11. Did you have a hard time getting used to listening to your own voice so much with all the editing you have to do?
12. If you could be a bird, what kind would you be?
13. If you could wish for something, what would it be?
14. Having just listened to your two Peaches Teaches recordings, would you consider making them a more regular content offering and extending their length?
15. What is your favourite meal to make?
16. Do you have any tv series/film recommendations as of recently?
17. Are you still taking audio suggestions?
18. Favourite Xmas song?
19. If you could instantly master any new skill, what would you pick?
20. Which is your favourite kind of flavour when it comes to food, Hot and Spicy or Sweet and Sour?
21. Have you ever thought about doing a spooky audio and calling it Screams of Peaches? Or Peaches and Screams?
22. What's your favourite position, in Quidditch?


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