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Oh damn, this one really got me tearing up. I really needed to hear it. Thank you so much, Peaches. We're all proud of you, too and all the hard work you've done.🫂


I'm proud of you too, Peaches. You've worked really hard, come so far, and gained such a huge following of people who love you and your content. Thank you for being the best.🤗❤️

Pamela Brown

I love that peaches and om soooo proud of YOU for keeping on when times are hard for being amazing for being caring kind and compassionate...an applause for a beautiful amazing woman

Pamela Brown

It seems lots of us could use this pick me up so to all of you if you are in a moment where the chaos won't stop try box breathing in 4 hold 4 out 4 hold 4 this method helps stop panic attacks. Don't let anyone belittle your progress mental health is no joke if getting out of bed was a big deal but you did it congratulations just know you are NEVER alone. Everyone struggles sometimes