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The RYZEN processors from AMD recently came out, what do you think? Should I buy the GTX 1070 as I planned it in the first goal? With my current AM3 + motherboard or save the money even and wait for the new AMD RYZEN that just came out that help much more to the video card without making bottleneck and improve the graphs. 

Clarifying that this expense would come on my own with money that I had saving on the job, since what was achieved by his support would remain intact for the card.

That's why I asked your opinion, do you think I should wait a little with the purchase? Because if I buy it now would be somewhat rushed seeing the new products of amd having a lower price to the intel but with almost equal results that would be convenient, just to make an expense in improving the pc and offer videos of much more resolution and fluids to more Of 60 fps and 4K




I would just get the card since it can be used with your current hardware and with any changes you decide to make.


I was watching some news and I saw that the prices are down for the recent departure of AMD RYZEN and the output of the GTX 1080Ti, maybe wait a little before buying at a price that would lower later