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Continued from Pt. 3. 

"Aaron was still slippery to the touch from the generous application of sunblock. Rearranging him with his fingers like a pliant little ball of putty, Calvin rolled him onto his shoulders, ass-up, and wiggled the tip of his finger right against one of the spots that he knew drove the little guy nuts. A tiny out-stretched hand grabbed onto the red pocket square and made a small crease in the silky fabric. Though he couldn’t see it, from both a tell-tale squeaking and a frantic quivering against his fingertip, Calvin could tell that Aaron had tried to take matters into his own hands.

“Leave it,” he ordered.

On command, the movement stopped and the squeaking changed to a more desperate pitch. There was no standing order that Aaron couldn’t pleasure himself, at least on his own time. When he was on the clock, however, his time (and everything else) belonged to Calvin."

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